Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Some thoughts on public transport - and death


Well, Anna, I was going to start this post by telling you about my trip today on public transport, to whit, the motor-bus.

But when I returned to Mistress Bulstrode's lodging house I learned that another friend had died. 

Norman was a good bloke who liked a pint, and traditional jazz .
We had some good nights out.

He started to suffer from Altzeimers and his wife looked after him. But when he became worse he went into a home. I understand that he died because his brain ceased to be able send to his muscles the information they needed to enable him to eat and swallow food.

I have been having a look at  the Gnostic Gospels and they make sense. They do not, however, say anything about brain decay and the disintegration of that which we call 'personality'. How can one make choices to 'step in and out of the story' if one's brain isn't functioning properly?

Anyway, the bus journey. A young couple got on the bus (I don't think either of them was more than nineteen years old) and they had a small infant in a push chair. And I thought what sort of a life are they going to have, with a young child so early in life. Of course, being a man, I put myself in the guy's place and thought: what dreams, hopes, ambitions will he now have to forego? You may say this is a pessimistic view and maybe they are very happy to have this child. I imagine they are - I would be - but just fast forward a few years... what about when they realise what a responsibility a child is? Will they still be happy - with each other? With themselves?

Whilst waiting for the return bus another family group walked past. In the lead was a big guy of about twenty five or so. He had a young child on his shoulders and was pushing a buggy with a baby. Following behind came his 'partner' with a third child.
On the guy's T Shirt was emblazoned the slogan 'Just Do It'.


I like travelling on public transport. You get to see people. Some of them you'd rather not see but that's all part of the deal, I suppose. 

Anyway, going back to Norman, it shows that one should make the most of life. Make hay while the moon shines... as you say, Anna.

To this end we will arrange another meeting. I take note of your comments re the venue (although don't pay too much attention to the 'funny' looks of Mrs Wainwright) and will see what I can do.

Did you see the comment from Mr. Adams? I cannot think what he means. Perhaps it is an Americanism.

Looking forward to a screen-ful of your words.


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Oh Georgie

Such heights did we reach, such exploding fireworks,such a trip to moon on the wings of gossamer as song is saying. 

Now important is the question - when do we meet again? I know you are experiencing the fiscal tribulations at the moment and so am prepared to donate sum of money for the purpose of some more intimate social intercourse.

Only thing being could we try different venue of hotel for next instant of meeting? I am feeling uncomfortable the way lady owner of hotel looks at me in morning when we come for the breakfast. 

This perhaps because old cow think that because  often times you are staying here on your own self she has some special interest of you. I do not wish to know if you have availed yourself of charms offered by this lady in past - one does inappropriate things in desperation - but all such malarkey must now be stopping. Are you understanding me?
I will not play second violin to anybody - except perhaps male person because this is different.

But I am forgetting to ask how is rib cage and various muscles surrounding? Must surely be better now, is not it? Also I do not think lady doctor appropriate for you at this time, but such decision to you is up.

Please fill me in as you promise.

I am interesting to know all about your doings.

Till soon we meet.

Your Anna

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Three days to remember

WOW Anna - what a weekend that was, eh?

I'd forgotten you had that  tattoo!

Sorry I have been so long in writing but all sorts of things have happened - I will send you a follow up to fill you in.

I am still hurting from when I fell out of bed. 

Even now I'm not sure how I did it - I think I was fumbling for a light switch,  or something, and got disorientated.  Next thing I was on the floor with my right arm underneath me. Of course when you could see that I had hurt myself you stopped laughing, and suggested I just lie there for a bit. But there was a  a draft blowing under that door which encouraged me to fight the pain and get myself back in bed.

A pity it happened on the first night because although it didn't spoil the weekend it curtailed our activities somewhat - I really would have liked to have gone on that pony trek.

I did think of going to see the doctor when I got back. I phoned the surgery but was told that she had 'rung in sick'. Honestly what is the world coming to.

I suppose I could have made an appointment to see one of the other doctors but I find that Claudia is more attuned to my needs.

Will close now and write again.

With vibrant (though painful) memories of the weekend.


Tuesday, May 01, 2012

If this story is true then why not have real ordinary size girl go walking streets?

I will tell you why - she would not get more that 10 yards before she is mugged, this being town of Liverpool.

What do they find when they x ray neck? Hope is nothing that will interfere with joyous reunion we have planned!

I do not like the x ray. See how operator go hide behind screen when taking picture, leaving you to get full bashing of x type rays.

Bowling ball what is lighter than head of medium person also contain less than medium head - though not always is this true.

Please reply quickly

Your Anna