Monday, July 04, 2005


Restless, I am. What to do. I thought of chucking all my notes into the bin. Or better still, burning them. All those words; those ideas. Just lurking there, mouldering, in notebooks and folders.

Syd came home and I was telling him what had happened. "Good" he said, "now you can get a proper job".
"What do you mean?" I retorted, hurt and a bit angry.
"You could go stacking the shelves at B & Q" he replied, "they have a policy of employing the older person".
"How dare you - you cheeky little sod" I shouted.
"Or 'lollipop man', how about that"
I siezed him by the shoulders and bawled "THIS IS YOUR FATHER YOU ARE TALKING TO, you disrespectful oike"
"Well, there might be some doubt about that, according to mum" he yelled back.

Just then the lesbian herself came in. "Can you stop this bleedin noise - I am trying to post to my blog, and I can't concentrate".

Alarm bells rang. "Your blog?" I was incredulous. "I didn't know you had a blog"
"Oh yes" she smirked, "Me and Anastasia have created one 'Sisters Under the Duvet'.
"Oh, really. And what's the address of this blog then?"
"Wouldn't you like to know" she snapped. And flounced out of the room.

I shall find out, though.

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