Saturday, September 30, 2006


The Galapagos Islands are moving – in a South Westerly direction. Luckily they are moving at a rate of 1 inch per year, so they won’t reach the end of our street for a while yet.

Carole’s head on the mascara streaked pillow. (Mrs Wincey won’t like that). Have you ever really studied a head? A big knob of bone with skin stretched over it.

Ah, but in the middle of that lump of bone, lying there like a big dollop of cold porridge, is your brain. That’s where it’s all happening, even when you are asleep. When it is offline your brain is sorting, sifting, hypothesising, testing, deleting, reordering –
Oh look. Carole is coming back online. Her eyelids twitch. Of course that could mean she is dreaming – but it is not that sort of twitch, not the REM beloved of dream researchers Also she is sort of wrinkling her nose. She is definitely coming back online.

Suddenly she turns over onto her stomach, and farts. It is more like a sigh than a fart. A gentle sigh. Even so, I see the cotton sheet ripple slightly.

I wonder if, when you are asleep and someone stands watching you, you are somehow aware of their presence. Is Carole aware of me? She wrinkled her nose. Can she smell me! I remove myself to the en suite.

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