The man ‘George’ (not his real name) has been removed to a place of safety. The site will, however, retain the name – at least for the time being. This decision has nothing to do with our founder member ‘Georgina’ who has sold her Max Factor and from henceforth wishes to be addressed as ‘Charlie’.
The content will, of course, undergo drastic changes. We aim to stick a finger in the dyke – so to speak – and stop the poisonous stream of innuendo, sexism and cultural stereotyping (barely concealed under a cloak of ‘blokish’ humour) which has issued from this blog under the aegis of the aforementioned 'George'.
One last point: Although different members will contribute to these pages, there will be no individual by-lines. This is because we are a co-operative and speak with one voice: the voice of Sisters Under The Duvet.
Oh, and one final point: Dark forces are at work and there is a conspiracy to sabotage our efforts. And example being the ‘comment’ thingy has been removed so no one can post a comment. Also that clock counter thing has been erased also so we would not know how many people had visited the site.
So for the time being, Sister Greta has kindly donated the use of her e-mail address for anyone wishing to comment. See that is another example of the dark forces: there should be an underscore between Greta and sturm, like this: Greta_sturm.
We will triumph over all attempts to muzzle us!
Up the revolution.