Wednesday, May 09, 2007


GUTEN TAG! This is the first time I have had the honour to address the great British public via this wonderful Internet.

Under the rules of the Sisterhood - and I am a great believer in rules - I am not allowed to give my name. Suffice it to say I am from a country with strong ties to your Royal Family.

And now to business: Discipline. Discipline (and that is my speciality) is what is needed, and has heretofore been sadly lacking on this blog. It is my role to remedy this state of affairs. A healthy mind in a healthy blog – that is my mission statement. The George person would not be in the position he is in now if he had taken himself in hand at an earlier date.

I shall be publishing a strict regime of exercise and diet on the blog but in the meantime I have instigated a callisthenics session every morning for the Sisters Some are less enthusiastic than will be good for them! For example, a certain Swedish lady prefers to lie in bed fiddling with her iPod. (I think I have spelled that correctly, having a good command of the English language, unlike the aforementioned lady – but let us not dwell upon that.)

We need an iron will to succeed (to paraphrase that great countryman of mine, Nietzsche). I am here to provide that will. And as for the threats – veiled and otherwise – let these people be warned: you will be biting off a bigger chunk of liverwurst than you can chew!

That will be all for now: I have to attend band practice tonight: I am taking the trombone solo in ‘Lohengrin’. Wagner – now there was a composer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Is this what we fought two world wars for?
Is this what my Granny Flatt spent night after night in the air-raid shelter in the garden, knitting socks for bomber crews for?
That some jumped up………… but wait -
I shall save my comments for a face to face encounter.
I expect you are familiar with the Ride of the Valkeryies, Fraulein -
I am climbing into the sidecar right now.