Saturday, June 02, 2007

“That there’s some corner of a foreign field…”

Thank you Mr Adams for your – I am sure well intentioned – words of advice.

I would like to say, however, that I am prepared to go wherever I am sent, to fight for Queen and country – even in those inhospitable lands to the East. (If our young prince was ready to go to Iraq – though, in the end, he didn’t – I am sure I am.)

Anyway, Georgina says that the desert air would be good for my sinuses.

When I was a lad, Lawrence of Arabia was my hero. I can see him now (as portrayed by that fine actor, Peter O’Toole) racing across those sand dunes on the back of a camel. I would be honoured to follow in the hoof-prints of that great man. I shall not be found wanting.

I am reminded of those lines from the musical ‘White Horse Inn’

"Where the desert sand is
Nice and handy
I’ll be full of grit…"


Anonymous said...

Full of shit, more like!

Marines! They wouldn’t have you in the Catering Corps.

And that stuff you told Georgina about our row over Bertolt Brecht. A load of bollocks.
You are a Philistine. You thought Bertolt Brecht was Hungary’s goalkeeper, until I told you he was a playwright. And then you asked what he had written recently.

You walked out on me, Sydney – and me with child. Your child… probably.
You just cannot face up to responsibilities, can you! The thought of having to bring up a child terrifies you. Well it terrifies me too – but I am stuck with it. AND I am trying to complete my degree. And what are you doing – hiding in this weird coven.

Well I’ve had a belly-full (in more ways than one).

I am coming to see you. My brother Ted will drive me over. You remember Ted? That’s right Doorman at the ‘Jacaranda’.

Oh, and I expect you to have those items of clothing you nicked out of my wardrobe washed and ironed, and ready for me to take back.

No, I won’t say what day I’m coming - I want it to be a surprise.

Anonymous said...

Ooops! Sydney, perhaps the Foreign Legion would be a better bet - in the circumstances?