Saturday, October 06, 2007

The highest level of courage is running away.
Arabic proverb

I believe that. I think I have always believed it – but have only just read the proverb.

I have struggled through with many ventures simply because I was too afraid to quit: ‘educational’ courses that I was not enjoying one bit, but that I pushed on with and gained a ‘qualification’; stress inducing jobs, such that I would dread Monday morning; toxic relationships that were doing no one any good, but which I was too afraid to leave because I equated quitting with failure. But often quitting is the bravest thing one can do. Of course, the trick is knowing when to quit.

I am quitting now. Running away.

I am a player in your drama, and you are a player in mine. I think George said that – or was it me? Sometimes it is hard to tell where I end and George begins – or where George ends and I begin.

Exit, stage left.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Come back, Georgina! All is forgiven.