Sunday, September 27, 2009



My dear Anna

You are right. I have been most tardy in replying to your posts. It is just that sometimes I don’t know what to say: I feel overwhelmed by your exuberance, your zest for life. Don’t ever change.

And please don’t think I do not appreciate your letters – they cheer me up enormously. And yes, I do need to ‘get a grip’ and I wonder if I should be concentrating on that instead of doing all this writing.

I have always thought of myself as a writer (Optimist that I am), but what are words? Just symbols. You live life – I write about it. And maybe all my energy is being dissipated in thumping a computer’s keys, when I should be getting out there and doing it: Life I mean.

I was thinking: if I got my act together and found a place of my own, maybe took some sort of job - even if it is only stacking shelves in the local DIY store - I would feel as if I were doing something.
I admire Mr Adams for his bus driving. (Do they really spit so enthusiastically in America?)

I am sorry this reply is somewhat muted.

But don’t worry: I’ll dance again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Allow me to assure you that I am one American who most certainly does NOT spit. I also don't pass gas, upper or lower.