Sunday, June 27, 2010

I am not shallow – you impertinent English person. (I find word ‘impertinent’ in Thesaurus of Roger which also contain many other words to describe you, but I will use just this one).

It is so very annoying for a person who is learning your stupid language to be told a word which has been invented by someone who is a bit sick in the head. All the trouble I go to looking up in dictionary (several different dictionary) for the word SCRUTE.

Brian has a laugh but I am not laughing.

Anyway, what is all of this about glimpse things from corner of your eye? How possibly can you see things this way? I am joking because I know you mean how you (my Georgie) always have to examine closely all questions and sometimes make up questions so you will have something to answer. Have not I told you before that this is bad thing for you? This is all right for Mr Wittgenstein and Mr Hume and Mr Hegel and the others because this is their job. This is what they get paid for doing because they are philosophers. Like if someone say to Kant, for example, what do we mean by ‘knowledge’? Old Emmanuel, he says – let’s see the colour of your money, matey, before I start my philosophising.

And another thing. What for is all the funny writing with words all over page instead of in neat lines such as I am now typing? Is this what they are calling post-modernism? Or is perhaps because you are not taking your medication?

But I am sorry you have to sell your boat, which I remember from when you take me upon it. I also remember name, which is ‘OSCAR’. This I know to be a fine boat – very cosy on the winter evening when we have stove burning merrily. Also on the summer day too, when we cruise gently along, getting faint whiff of canal like you tell Mr Adams. This a very pleasant whiff (which canal people know) which always will be in my memory.

And we sleep on boat. Very close up together and with me having to bend knees because of short wideness of boat (this is why it is called narrowboat – it has to be to get in lock – see how much I remember?)

I remember also how you always make me run ahead when approaching such locks with the funny bent key thing and turn the handle to let out (or in) the water, while you drive the boat. I do not mind this because I meet some very interesting people this way – often being invited to see their boat. I always tell them I will bring you along. Sometimes this disappoint them and they make excuse of having suddenly remembered they have to be somewhere else by the fall of night. But others are very welcoming.

I enjoy so much being on the boat and think perhaps there may come a time when you buy another boat? I have album of photographs which I take on our boat trips and I will bring to show you when next I visit -which I would like to be the coming Friday of this week. Because Brian has day off from bus driving and will bring me.

I hope there will be no problem with this date because I have some important thing which I wish to talk about with you. This is not place on blog to discuss such a thing.

Reading back once again through the funny writing post I can see that you are not happy – and wish I could do something for you about it. I sometimes think that perhaps the sickness in the head causes your unhappiness, but then I think maybe the unhappiness has caused the sickness in the head.

Whatever. Do not you think that you have been therapised enough? Medicated enough? All these things you have so much of and still not well.

Anyway – I forgive you for being impertinent English person. You know I cannot angry be with you for so long, loving you so much as I do.

Until we meet on Friday

Your ex shipmate


Oh and PS. The lady Purple Cow seem to concern herself about you, and I think you should listen to what she says.

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