Monday, November 07, 2011

Stop moaning

Throughout History there have always been dissenting voices: malcontents, whingers, people who want to spoil it for everybody else.

It’s not on, you know


This sacrificing virgins business.

Ah – you only say that because you are a virgin
Well. Isn’t that what they tell us? Not to ‘know’ a man before marriage? You stick to the rules and then what happens! You’re a prime candidate for the knife.

Yeah, well that’s our religion. Innit. Our culture. That’s what’s made us rulers of the world. You should be proud to be selected.

Talk about ‘I’m alright Jack’. Everyone knows you’ve been round the arena more times than an old chariot.

Ah, but I’m married. You need to read the small print: if you are married then you can put it about as much as you like. As long as you keep it quiet. And attend the temple every week. (in fact some of them High Priests are very friendly – if you know what I mean.)

But they’re supposed to be celibate

They gotta pretend to be celibate. Innit. They gotta be seen to be highly moral. Whether they are or not don’t really matter. That’s what makes society work: hypocrisy!  Makes the wheels go round.

So everybody who follows the rules – they lose out?

Well, obviously there’s got to be a majority to follow the rules so that the minority can break ‘em.

But that’s not fair.

Oh grow up! Sorry - you're not going to, are you. Anyway, make sure you look your best when they come for you. And for God’s sake smile! After all – tomorrow, you’re his chosen one.

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