Monday, January 07, 2013

Now listen to me Georgie

I show letter to Dave (who is also practicer in art of graphology) and he say, Anna, you are right, also Georgie is wrong. But again Mrs Bulstrode is right.

I say, what do you mean, how can this possibly be so you idiot.

I am not idiot he say because this letter is written by male person who is trapped in body of female. Therefore is probable this Myra (whom I do not know) write it, who is struggling with crisis of gender identification.

I say, this is load of pillocks.

No, say Dave, furthermore have you (or George) consider wording of letter? Because notice that it say 'retreat' and this could indicate Myra is retreating from present identity of woman and and wants money to 'advance' into that of man.

What you mean? I say.

Dave say, haven't you got it yet, you thick ;%">*?

How dare you call me thick  ;%">* I say, and then throw at him mobile phone which break and he apologise an say he buy me new one.

Can you not see, he say, Myra is wanting money for sexual gender realignment... or something like this is what he say.

I say, you mean she want money to be kitted out as man?

Now you getting it, says Dave.

Well she aint - not with my Georgie's money. So therefore be warned Georgie.

Anyways I cannot be sitting here arguing the tosser with you because I have course work to do.

Think deeply upon these things.

Your Anna

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