Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Keep calm and carry on


Do you see the title of this post, Anna? Well that's what the British government advised us to do in the war. And it worked - at least for all those who weren't killed.

And I advise the same for you, Anna, although this is not a war - just an individual who has done a bunk. (By the way, if you intend to use a British idiom, please get it right - note that it is 'a' bunk... not 'the' bunk.

I expect Dave has just gone walkabout (that's an Australian idiom by the way - so it doesn't matter if you get it wrong!) Only joking, you Aussies out there. Great people. Not afraid of calling a spade a spade. Just have a look at this, Anna...

I don't know how authentic it is but I like it

Dave probably has friends he can stay with and, even if he hasn't, the weather is quite good for sleeping rough. (Oh, just looked out the window - it's raining). Never mind, I expect you will hear from him soon.

By the way, I was joking about the sleeping rough. I would not wish that one anyone... although, as you know, during my time as an explorer I have spent many a night under the stars (occasionally in a tent). And I have been in places where it is so cold that it freezes at 8 degrees Celsius.

I know that you have a heart as big as all outdoors but you do need to concentrate upon your exam preparation.

Till we can be reunited

I am

Your George

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