Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Ordinary things


If we looked longer at 'ordinary' things then perhaps they would look less ordinary.

I am going away for a few days on Wednesday. I need the break to be on my own. I shall look at some ordinary things - different ordinary things - and perhaps see into the reality behind them.

I am often over-stretched myself, Anna, and sometimes fear I am going to come off - the rails. Whilst away, I shall purchase a chain-splitter and fix the chain myself. I am quite good with mechanical things. You may think that surprising for an intellectual, but it's true.

I have just come back from a funeral. I want to talk about it but I can't get things in order - in my head - so many thoughts and feelings rattling about in there. It felt strange being in a church and listening to all the prayers and hymns and stuff that I knew as a boy. I joined in, a bit, but I couldn't go along with much of what the vicar (they call him 'father') was saying. Then we went to the crematorium - the vicar still presided but it was much more simple and somehow more real. (perhaps 'real' is the wrong word but, stripped of much of the religious ritual, it felt more to do with what was actually happening: we were remembering, with fondness and love, and sadness, someone we once knew).

It made me think that we should celebrate life and live it to the full. And that it is a good idea to love and respect people while they are here with us.

I have been to a couple of humanist funerals and found them very civilized, and somehow more to do with the person we were remembering, rather than an occasion to reinforce some creed or belief system.

Is unkind? I don't mean it to be. It's just what I think.

Anyway Anna, as I say, I am going away for a three days. I shall be taking my laptop with me so no communication problems. They say the weather in the Bahamas is good at this time of year - although I am actually going to Wales. Of course I shall think of you as I tread the mountain paths and climb the craggy creaks. I shall also think of you on the pier and in Marks and Spencers. And also in my favourite restaurant.

Look forward to seeing you soon


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Good morning world


It's a sunny, though frosty, Saturday morning in this little corner of England. Actually it isn't a corner at all. A corner sounds like something you are backed into. But you can get out of this place by several routes: north, south, east or west.

A man goes past with a baseball cap on his head. I bet that man has never played baseball in his life. But so what? This is a tolerant country of ours. I can wear my Irish Guards tie, so why not this man his baseball cap!

It's the same with baseball bats. I walked into a computer shop the other day and behind the counter I glimpsed a baseball bat. I said to the young man who came out to serve me: So you play baseball then? I prefer cricket myself.

'What can I do fer yer, mate.' He said.

I see the English cricket team are not doing too well in Australia. I was thinking: If you could bore right through the earth, at what point would you flip over so to speak, and come out the other side the right way up? It's a question I would like to ask Brian Cox.

It occurs to me, Anna, that you may not have the chain correctly tensioned - on the bike, I mean. I have an excellent little tool that I will give you so that you may adjust the tension when you return.

People talk about tension being a bad thing. But the proper tension can be a good thing - especially on a bike.

I shall get my breakfast.

See you soon


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Prostitutes and Convicts


When you have to make a decision between two alternatives: a house, a car, a relationship, a job... people always say - write down the pros and cons. It never works for me. Maybe because I make decisions on an emotional level (not always a good idea but it's the way I do it).

If I was a pros and cons person life would be so much easier. But I'm not. Of course there is a reason why I am writing about this right now, but I'm going to keep it to myself - for the moment.

(No, I'm not thinking of applying for the job as chairman of the Co-op Bank.) 

I took a couple of selfies today, but I didn't think either of them were suitable for posting here on this blog. (Oh, having read that again I realise it might sound rude... nothing could be further from the truth. They were photos of my face... small areas)

And what are you doing, Anna, to make the chain come off again?
I have ridden thousands of miles on that bike and the chain has never come off.

I am tired and somewhat depressed. I am off to bed.

No, you should not post the selfie. Definitely.

Or maybe. Perhaps. I don't know.

It all depends upon selfie. Can you be recognisable from it? Because this is not a good thing. Think of all the peoples who are looking for you. And not just for the money. Ok, Sven has forgiven you and does not want repayment of debt but what about others?

On other hand, if selfie is not recognisable but say a bit enigmatic. Like maybe you could wear false nose and fake spectacles such as one might purchase in joke shop. Or maybe just back of head or also maybe blurry picture which will be not recognised. Like photo in steamy bathroom mirror (but would this count as selfie?) I don't know.

One needs to think careful about such things.

Have you sorted fiscal matters to your satisfaction?

Chain has come again off bicycle.


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A 'Selfie'


I have just heard that 'selfie' is the word for 2013.

Did you know that, Anna? You probably did.

Anyway it's a picture that you have taken of yourself which you post on 'Tweet' or whatever.

Well, I have a few 'selfies' though I have not posted them on Tweet. I wonder if I should post one on here? What do you think?

Another word that has gone into the OED is 'Twerking'. Apparently this word has been around for 20 years - and means dancing to popular music in a sexually provocative manner. (This is the only manner in which I dance to popular music!)

As it turns out I would not have been able to return with you yesterday because I had matters fiscal to attend to. I have still not attended to them completely. Money - or lack of it - is a cause of much stress in today's society. 

So in order to take my mind off money problems I intended to go  away for a couple of days (I think I mentioned this)  - to spend some more money. But I can't get a room for this week - so I shall go next week.

I hope the break will give me some inspiration for a 'best-seller' I have started to write.

I am glad chain has been fixed.

Ever yours


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Oh, what a beauty...


Oh, what a shiner, Anna!

What? What is this shiner?

The eye! Your black eye. I didn't know netball was such a dangerous game.

This is not funny... the shiner.

Sorry. How did it happen?

I receive in eye the elbow of Birmingham cow who is goalkeeper.

Was it an accident?

Is not accident. It is deliberate obstruction of goal attack (which is me) for which she is penalised, and also for being out of one third court which is only place she is allowed to occupy. She is also penalised by me - but this is after game is over.

The things you ladies get up to.

This is no lady, this is cow, which I have already said.

But did you win?

Oh yes, in true spirit of English saying 'It is not the taking part but the winning'.


Oh and I like ideas of Blake and this man Adams (is this the gentleman friend of you who resides in America?)

No, this is the man who writes Dilbert, but also resides in America.

I do not hear of this person Dilbert, but Adams man is right about people having different strength of urges and so is silly to talk about morality and willpower.  In my Sociology classes I study problem of social control and  understand that though society may have to physically restrain certain peoples because of their danger to others, this should be done without reference to morality or willpower, and people treated as decently as possible.

You sure spat a bootful there Anna.

Is this another English idiom? Never mind. Also there is no need for you to accompany me back to fix chain on bicycle because it already fixed by one of boys in halls of residence.

Well, I could still come with you for the ride.

Let us talk about it in the public house this evening.

Oh, alright then.


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Will power: a myth?


You know, Anna, that William Blake said, Those who restrain desire do so because their's is weak enough to be restrained. We have often discussed Blake.

Well, I came across this, recently... We like to believe that other people have the same level of urges as we do, despite all the evidence to the contrary. We convince ourselves that people  differ only in their degree of morality and willpower, or a combination of the two. But urges are real, and they differ wildly for every individual. Morality and willpower are illusions. For any human being, the highest urge always wins and willpower never enters into it. Willpower is a delusion.

 (Scott Adams in 'God's Debris')

Anyway, I thought we could take this as the starting point for our bedtime discussion.

You will be home tonight?? I haven't heard from you and have visited the pub again to seek a little human company, albeit anonymously. 

I am having my usual one pint (as allowed by my doctor). I make it a bit more exciting now by having a half of (quite strong) real ale and then another half of ordinary bitter. Yes, I can hear you saying, not like the the nights we had The Limping Ferret when you were au pairing at Wynorin? I sometimes think of ignoring the doc's advice and just going for it - 'the full bifter', as my friend used to say. What do you think?

I don't know what you were doing to make the chain come of the bike but it's quite easy to fix. I'll tell you what: suppose when you go back on Monday I accompany you and see to it. I'd like a day out. A change of scenery would do me good. I will have to ask you to pay my bus fare as I am skint (this is an old English expression which means 'broke').

How is it possible that a man of my education and abilities should find himself in such a parlous situation? But fear not, Anna, I shall dance again.



I have the netball match with University of Birmingham (place of many canals) so shall be back later than somewhat expected.

Also, chain has come off bicycle.

Your Anna

Friday, November 15, 2013

I am a bench

I was taking a stroll around town, Anna, when I came upon this bench. I thought it looked sad, forlorn, overlooked - and yet if only this bench could speak... what tales it could tell.

Just think of all the bums that have parked themselves on this bench. I don't mean bums in the American sense of hoboes and tramps (although there will have been a few of those) but bums as in arses. What conversations has this bench been privy to?

Or even what silent thoughts (if a bench can pick up thoughts).

It's autumn now, so perhaps not many folk will park their bottoms here - although there are always the hardy (or desperate) souls who will.

So next time you sit on a bench, say thank you when you get up to leave. I'm sure it will be appreciated.


Thursday, November 14, 2013



A bit gloomy tonight, Anna.

Me and the weather.            

I call in this hostelry to have a couple of beers (and use their Wi Fi)

But when I come to write I can't think of anything to say. So I'll close my lap-top and reflect on the world, society... and me.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

You must be taking a hold of yourself Georgie, so you are not slip sliding down into depths of the melancholy depression.

Take some exercise. Maybe on your bicycle - oh no you cannot do this because I am in possession of machine. And would like to say you have raised seat to just correct height so no straining of ligaments is occurring. Bicycles may be transported on railway train at discretion of conductor.

I have nice room in the student halls. With own shower and lavatory. Four rooms share kitchen and lounge room. One other lady and two male persons are in other three rooms. Last night we have drinking game in lounge room. I win.

Yes I do remember what you say about black and white photograph. Is this Patrick Lichfield a friend?

I am making early night tonight.

Sleep tightly.

Your Anna 
(oh, almost forgetting to tell you - am selecting for university netball team because of tallness and long legs - plus of course fitness and natural aptitudes with ball.)

St Mark's Square

Did you know, Anna, that Birmingham has more canals than Venice? But they don't go boasting about it... Oh, come and look at our canals... have a ride in a gondola.

All the same, Venice is a magical place.

Do you remember asking me why I was taking this photo in black and white? And I said - Colour describes, but black and white reveals.

I once heared Patrick Lichfield say that. And I think he's right.

Also no one has written a book (or made a film) called A death in Birmingham. But there have been plenty of deaths in Birmingham.

But don't get me on the subject of death, again. You know how it disturbs me. What if death turned out to be the biggest disappointment of all? Like Peggy Lee says in the song, Is that all there is?. The ultimate 'let-down'?

I am missing you already, so I am writing. Sometimes I can't write, but at the moment I can.

Take care and see you at the weekend.


ps. Did you know there is a plan afoot to get rid of the apostrophe?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I cannot think of a title


Well, Anna, I understand your decision - I really do. I can't say I'm not disappointed but I'll get over it.

After all, it isn't as if I haven't slept by myself before. Many are the chaste nights I have lain awake with my thoughts. I often have thoughts of death. I've never told you about them. It could even amount to an obsession. (You know I am the obsessive type).

Then I thought: Think yourself lucky you have been given a part in this drama called Life.  Don't be forever thinking what part you are going to get next? Play this part to the full.

And then I thought: Yes, that's a good idea... but even so...

I hope you will be alright on the bike. I raised the saddle (I know your inside-leg measurement off by heart).

And yes, I will see my lonely situation as an opportunity to write.That's the positive way of looking at things, isn't it?

The left pedal squeaks a bit. I meant to squirt some WD40 on it but I forgot. I will do it when you come home at the weekend.

Well, I shall retire to my lonely bed... to sleep, perchance to dream (actually, I always dream. mostly they are messy, disturbing dreams. Occasionally I have the erotic one - only occasionally). I have had a glass of beer tonight (I know how to live!).

Take good care of yourself in those student halls of residence.

Looking forward to seeing you at the weekend.

Your George

Saturday, November 09, 2013

I have given much thought and pondering, Georgie, to my accommodation needs for final year (not counting my Masters which I am hopeful to be offered), and I am thinking best option is to take up domicile (which has been offered to me, thanks to very kind Head of Faculty) in student halls of residence. This is for the following reasons:

 Not having need to need travel would mean to be fresh to receive tuition each day. Of course we are not having the lectures every day but will be required to study and do research and these facilities are provided in atmosphere conducive to learning, which is to say university. (also one would be available for my tutors at all times, in case one needed extra help.)  

Also would give you, Georgie some peace and quiet away from demands of vigorous, healthy girl (myself) for you to be writing novel as promised, which you have not been doing because otherwise occupied. This, I think, will be good for you. (also earning much money when published).

Further to these reasons is another reason, which is this. A little time spent parting from oneselves will make our love all more strong. (What is saying you English have about absence is making heart grow fonder? To this I would add also making desire grow stronger). So when join up again at end of each week we will be more appreciating of each others charms. You get my meanings?

I also will be accepting kind offer of bicycle (needing saddle raised) because I can use machine to ride around university campus which is very cool thing to do, and will also make oneself really feel like undergraduate. Alas, no punting is there available due to lack of rivers. Plenty of canals are there, but these not suitable for the punting. Never mind.

The picture you show make me go claustrophobic all over again. But paramedic was very attentive to Anna's needs. (He give me his telephone number but I will not use it - unless emergency arises.

Friday, November 08, 2013

There's a long long trail a' windin'


I'll never forget this day, Anna. And I bet you won't either.

You should have said you suffered from claustrophobia.

Still, the paramedic was very nice, and you were fine once we saw daylight again.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

I got my love to keep me warm


How could an ex member of Special Forces be afraid of cold weather?

It is you who are fainthearted. You say you have walked through a metre of snow and yet you complain about a little bit of mud.

Also did I not say you could borrow my bicycle? (You would have to raise the saddle of course). The exercise would do you good and you would arrive for your class with cheeks all aglow!

But I do not wish to influence you in your decision. By all means choose the soft option of Halls of Residence, or indeed the rather sexually ambiguous position of Dave's room-mate. But here, in our little caravan love nest, set in the tranquility of the English countryside, you would have the solitude to pursue your studies, undisturbed by loud rock music and raucous student noise on the one hand, or the continual moaning of that sexually-confused, unemployed misfit on the other.

Still it's your choice.

ps. I have had my poetic licence revoked

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

I am among the horns of a dilemma, Georgie. I am offered place in Halls of Residence for final year at university (which is not counting Masters Degree which I hope also to do after)

Also Dave say I can move back staying with him (which is also very near university) even though I have been (am) cohabiting with you. (I think this very sporting of him).

Whereas caravan which we share at this moment (exact location not to be disclosed, you tell me) is considerable way from place of learning, also being in muddy field, making walk to bus stop destroying of the shoes, rapidly, and getting wet when rains come - which they always do in this country.

But also winter is come quickly, and I know you are fearful of cold (unlike the Swedish peoples who stride unconcerned through one metre of snow) and you long to have benefit of warm body to lie beside in bed during long chilly night.

Such is the nature of my predicament.

Oh, and Scandinavian peoples are not pedantic (I look this word up). Also we have fine sense of humour. Do not you remember how when you fall down staircase at Wynorin and your wife laugh uproariously, I join in until the tears are rolling down face?

But what is this licence you need to write the poetry?

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Oh and by the way... about the jungle.


Why do you Scandinavians have to be so pedantic!

I know we didn't actually see any jungle (although we saw a small forest - and it was raining).

It's what's called 'poetic licence'!!

Sunday, November 03, 2013

How about this for dancing!!


No, this is not me and Anna.

Jazz, as it is best heard (and seen), out in the street.

Not sure whether this is Canal Street or Bourbon Street, but it's definitely New Orleans... where else!

This photograph I like.

I am taller toothbrush, eh.

This is not to say you are small person, Georgie - which you are not - but is to say I am tall person... which you like me to be.

But what is this about jungle? We never did see jungle on on trip.

Friday, November 01, 2013

The Kiss


Of all the photos we took, Anna: the mountains, lakes, forests, jungle, seascapes (including the more personal ones) this sums up for me the essence of our trip: the togetherness, the intimacy.
Truly, it is not where you are, but who you are with that matters.