Monday, November 03, 2014

Drugs and Love


Drugs help us escape the tyranny of the mind. But freedom comes at a price.

Well, you don't expect something for nothing, do you? Honestly, some people! There's no such thing as a free lunch, you know!

I sip my tea and look out the window.

All quiet on the Western Front.

But a policeman told me they get called to a lot of  'domestics' on Mondays. After the weekend: couples , families, cooped up together for two whole days, knocking hell out of each other.  Now that's not what 'Love' should be like, is it?
Well, is it? That's not what we were told to expect when we signed on the dotted line.

Sex is a drug. Perhaps love is? They both have their price.
Someone once told me he would never pay for sex
I replied - Everyone pays for sex. And sometimes cash is the cheapest price.

A poem

I said I DO -
And then I did –
And found myself on the starting grid
Of a lumpy, bumpy race through life –
I took the vows – became a wife.

Cinderella going to the ball?
No, not a bit like that at all!
How soon the honeymoon is past,
Reality has dawned at last –
Is this the way it’s going to be?
From now on, just him and me?

We fight like ferrets in a sack,
But the priest says there’s no turning back,
What God has joined no man shall part,
(But the priest’s not married – for a start).

Babies come, and we feel blessed,
And happy in our little nest;
But then they grow and fly away,
And long and lonely is the day.

He spends his day down at the pub,
And comes home when it’s time for grub;
While I watch rubbish on tv
And wonder what became of ME.

Sometimes I’m asked to baby-sit,
And so, of course, I do my bit,
Good old grannie, oh so kind –
I wish they’d want me for my mind.

I wish someday they’d realise
There is a brain behind these eyes,
That I am more than ‘mother’, ‘wife’ –
I am MYSELF, I have a LIFE.

But wait, the game’s not over yet,
One final throw – one last bet:
I think I do deserve some fun,
So now I’m off to find the sun.

This house, my one and only asset,
I’ve pawned – (well that is how I class it) -
I’ve gone for ‘equity release’ –
This time next week I’ll be in Greece.

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