Tuesday, July 25, 2006


It is so hot. Yesterday the recorded temperature was the highest in Swindon for 100 years. Dr Singh (you remember – from Bombay) has gone down with heat stroke. And Greta confided to me that she is wearing nothing under her white coat! No bra, knickers… nothing. Now, personally, I just don’t think that’s right – not for a professional person. Especially as they have open metal staircases on G wing. Like in a prison. You remember me telling you that this place was an old Victorian lunatic asylum. ‘Confinement’ was the top priority. Ironic really, that Greta should be up and down those staircases so unconfined.

Oh and that brings me onto something else: when Amanda talked about the ‘mortuary’ she really should have said the old mortuary. We don’t actually have a working mortuary anymore; it’s not considered appropriate in a modern psychiatric unit. Anybody dies, they ship them out under cover of darkness, in a plain van, to Fenfield General. Hence the expression, sometimes heard on the ward:

You won’t see him agen,
He’s gone to Fen.

I don’t know whether or not I should keep the appointment on the Rue Morgue. I note your helpful comments, RJ, but would that be playing the game? Deserting a lady in her hour of need? Of course, as I say, I am not at all sure that I am the father. Perhaps a DNA test would be in order. I could write to the ‘Jeremy Kyle Show’. (For the benefit of non-English readers, Jeremy Kyle is a bit like Jerry Springer – but he takes himself far more seriously.)

I don’t know how to apprise Anastasia of this unpleasant turn of events. She is as broad-minded as the next Swede, but how will she react to the news that her groom to be has (allegedly) fathered a child with his psychiatrist? I think I shall just have to ‘play it by the ear-hole’ as my dear Anna would say.

Oh, and I have just re-read your comment, RJ – How dare you suggest that I would look like a troll if I wore a pointy hat! I think I shall post a photograph of myself so that everyone may see how inaccurate that scurrilous remark was.

1 comment:

R J Adams said...

Oh, now really George, how about posting that one of you, age 18 months, on the hearthrug in the altogether? You know, that one Georgina keeps in the top drawer of her bedside cabinet so she can giggle at it occasionally? You look very troll-like in that one. Georgina always said you reminded her of Wee Willy Winky in that one.