Friday, July 28, 2006

I've been stood-up

I have been stood-up! I was at the appointed place, bang on the dot. I waited for half and hour – no Amanda. What can have happened? I have run through the possibilities:

She has ‘evening sickness’ (is there such a thing?)
She has been run over by a bus.
Freddie has strangled her.
It was all a hoax – she is not pregnant and was just trying to scare me.

Of all these possibilities, I prefer number 4.

Anyway, while I was waiting at the back of the (now defunct) morgue, I saw this piece of graffiti, and I realised it expressed my feelings so well. I don’t just mean about Amanda, but about EVERYTHING.
Rage – but unfocussed rage. The targets are out there but they are obscured by the mist; the mist that hung around the childhood streetlamp where I dreamed of great deeds.

- Oh, stop feeling sorry for yourself
- Well if I don’t feel sorry for myself, who will?
- Come on, you big girl’s blouse – get on with it
- Right, I will

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please don't let ayone know about this, but Amanda WAS there! She was watching you from behind the hedge by the staff dining hall. I saw her with a camera, taking photos- including at least one of you. I am also a patient here, I have computer priviliges a few hours a week. perhaps I can help you sometime via the net.