Wednesday, June 09, 2010


Thank you Purple Cow for this award - and for the other one (so it really was meant for me)
And for inviting me to join the party.

I am not much good at talking about myself, but I will have a go. And I will try to keep the silly stuff  to a minimum. Can't guarantee though.

Okay, 10 random things about me.

1. I was an only child (and, sadly, still am)
 I was brought up in a household of women, and cats. This probably explains why I befriend stray women - but have an ambivalent attitude towards cats.

2. I have a motor bike, and ride when I can. I once went to America and hired a Harley Davidson for a week.

3. I bought my first jazz record when I was seventeen ('Get out of here and go on home' by Humphrey Lyttleton) and from then on I have been hooked on jazz - all sorts, shapes and sizes.  I had a go at playing the trumpet when I was in the Air Force - I now play the drums.

4. Writing (anything and everything) is for me a kind of therapy.  I have read a lot but now prefer to write. (I still read though - anything that takes my fancy). I also take the odd photograph - 'odd' being the operative word.

5. I am an idealist, a romantic, a dreamer (my favourite food is 'pie in the sky'). Some people say I can be very analytical. I am still trying to find out who I am - I think that is why I write so much.

6. I like jellies and cakes, and elephant steaks/And peppermint creams and haricot beans... that was a silly rhyme I learnt when I was a child. I've never eaten an elephant steak, but the other stuff, I like.  I enjoy chocolate too.  I don't particularly like the taste of alcohol but I enjoy the effect it produces.
I tried smoking but never quite mastered the  technique - so I gave it up. Well, one cannot be good at everything.

7. I am a 'late developer'. After ducking out of Grammar School before taking any exams I came back into education and did a degree and a couple of diplomas and stuff. I trained as a neurotic, and later as a psychotherapist, and I also lectured. Now I just continue to develop.

8. I love children. I believe them to be both wise and vulnerable. So we should listen to them, and protect them. And we should not try to 'educate' the wisdom out of them - nor blunt their vulnerability.

9. I sometimes type on a manual typewriter. I like the clunk and thwack of  the metal keys as they cut my thoughts into virgin velum.

10. I can hypnotise goldfish (and people)

I am a bit new to this award game, but here are a few blogs I would like to award because,

1. Australian in Athens.

You invited me to join the party
You (probably) saved George and Anna's lives.
 My fascination with your life  grows with every post.

2. Propoquerian

Your sense of humour - guy or no guy - is great.

3. number87x

LIZ - You have such a bouncy inner-child, and she writes so beautifully.

4. Liyalolita

You can take pictures without a camera - and tell us about them.

5. Yellowstonetrailblazer

I don't think you are just an 'average, everyday, normal guy.

6. Sparrowchat

Underneath the caustic comments, the acerbic wit, I get a faint whiff of canals - a gentler world.


Purple Cow said...

Quite an impressive list you have here. I enjoyed reading it.

I was number 1. too, I totally agree with number 8, I like doing what you do in number 9 also (i click like crazy and this drives my colleagues to destraction but clearly helps me think...)Number 5 is so obvious about you.

What's this about me saving your life? Send my regards to Anna.

Purple Cow said...

PS I'd like a whole post about number 2!

Propoquerian said...

I do not like cats either. I think it's because I don't like anyone who acts like they do not need, or at least take no interest in, any one else. As a blogger, how could I ever pretend I take no interest in anyone else? I like pets like me--cuddly, reactive, and blatantly, shamelessly asking for food :) And thank you for the award!

George said...

I actually quite like cats. But I also like the sound of "cuddly, reactive and blatantly, shamelessly asking for food":)

Liz said...

aw thanks george. that really made my day! hope all is well with you

Liz said...

oh and i loved your list. so very interesting. its nice to know more about you. also #9, about the typewriter, I feel the same way. i do love the sound of an old typewriter. in some ways i wish people and technology would stop evolving so quickly.

R J Adams said...

Ah, George, I've got a bit behind (no, NOT a BIG behind!) with blog reading, due to other pressures in life, so I'm only just catching up with your antics.

I'm really proud of your award. How nice that you should think of me. Some may regard the 'faint whiff of canals' as slightly obnoxious, but you and I know different. Yes, indeed, that gentler world. How it still crooks its finger and beckons when one least expects it. Good days, my friend.