Sunday, October 05, 2014

A special kind of guy.


It takes a special kind of guy to pick up a knife and saw a man's head off.

You need more than a faith or a cause to do that. Although a 'faith' or a 'cause' is a convenient peg for the psychopath to hang his hat on.

It seems we all need something bigger than ourselves to make life meaningful. Alright then - how about Love!

And that is probably what the head-chopper-off needs too.

So pity the poor old psychopath,
He's doing what he can
With what he's been given and what he's learned
 - Try and understand the man.

But don't let him get away with it -
That just makes life a farce -
Try and teach him the error of his ways -
With perhaps a swift boot up the arse.

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