Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Due to the success of my 'blank post'... (see R J Adams' comment)I intend to make this a regular feature of the blog.

I sometimes think we use too many words; that we are too cognitive. So consider a blank post a sort of 'detox' from words.

Of course I like words; they are my stock-in-trade, as you might say, but when you find yourself waking up in bed writing a complicated philosophical essay in your head, you feel that perhaps you need a rest now and then.

Recently, I have been reminded of an expression a friend of mine used to use: busy brain. I don't know if she meant the same kind of thing but it seems to fit my experience.

So I am taking more photographs. Here is one took a little while ago: an unknown youth on a village railway platform - and then... I found myself writing a story about it!!

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