Sunday, December 10, 2006


Thank you Gerda for your information re ‘jogger’s nipple’; I shall pass on your comment to Carole – when she gets back from the pub. She has taken Hector to the ‘Vole and Ferret’ to try and cheer him up, after the news about Bonar (his son) which, as it turned out, was the cause of the ‘sombre mood’ prevailing in the house when I returned from the library.

And of course thank you Anastasia for your comment. You do realise that comments posted to my blog are ‘in the public domain’ (that means available for anyone to read). I would much prefer you to write a personal letter and convey it to me via the excellent postal service obtaining in this country.
Also you cannot have been reading my blog carefully, because I gave my address when I was talking to the library woman!
And, when you do write, make sure you use on of those stout manila envelopes that are particularly resistant to the steam from a kettle. And mark it clearly ‘PERSONAL’. I am sorry to say there are elements within this household to whom privacy is an alien concept.

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