Thursday, July 08, 2010

You can get there from here – in fact 'here' is the only place you can get there from.


I am talking to myself, really, Anna. I woke up this morning and looked around my room, and I thought: Well, this is where I am. And to go anywhere, here is where I must start from.

And then I remembered Spike Milligan’s words: Everybody’s got to be somewhere. And I thought of Purple Cow, waking up in Athens, and R.J. Adams, waking up in Decatur, and Liz and Liya Lolita, and Propoquerian and all the other bloggers, waking up wherever they wake up. And last – but by no means least – I thought of you, my Anna, waking up in a house in Purley.

But not only do we all wake up in our own physical space, we also wake in our own mental space: where we are in our own heads. And no one can know that place – only ourselves. And that is also where we have to start from. (I know, Anna, that, as a student of English, you will be aware that I keep ending a sentence with a preposition - but see below*)

There is much I would like to say, about you and Brian, and your intending nuptials. But you, too, have to start from where you are – physically and mentally – and only you know that. So I will shut up (which is not like me, as you know!)

But I really cannot leave it at that. So I will, instead, draw your attention to Purple Cow’s comment!

Your ever-loving, non-advising but extremely marriage-shy


*Winston Churchill once had a draft speech returned to him by one of his aides, respectfully pointing out that the Prime Minister had ended a sentence with a preposition. Within the hour the speech was back on the civil servant’s desk with a note from Winston: This is the kind of bureaucratic interference up with which I will not put.

I also like this 'bedtime story'

Little girl: Mummy, I want to be read to.
Mummy: Which book do you want to be read to from?
Little girl: Alice in Wonderland.
Mummy: Oh. What did you chose that book to be read to from for?


Purple Cow said...

All this waking up in different places reminds me of the Taoist parable...

One morning Chuang Tzu awoke from his sleep. Coming before his students, he said, "Last night I dreamt that I was a beautiful butterfly fluttering through the fields. Now I awaken. My question is this; how do I know if I am Chuang Tzu, who dreamt himself a butterfly, or if I am a butterfly, now dreaming itself Chuang Tzu?"

Objective reality they call it.

So who knows? Maybe Anna isn't getting married, maybe I really am a purple cow, maybe you're still playing 'fuck' in Alfie's bedroom rather than just thinking its happening in your dreams...and maybe we're all in the loony bin, but you're the sane one!

Take care,

PS: Word verification "puzzlen"...and puzzlen it is!

Purple Cow said...


I meant "Take care George"


"Take care,

George said...

Ah, well... that could have been a Freudian slip. Maybe YOU are George!! And, in that case, who am I?

I often think along the lines you mention. Yes, I really could still be playing 'fuck' in Alfie's bedroom. I have this disturbing feeling that the past is still happening - and that, if we knew the trick, we could re-visit it.
(But that's probably why I am in here!)

But is this all academic, anyway? Because... am I real? Is Anna real?
Or are we just constructs of your imagination?

You just wait until Anna reads this - I won't half get it in the neck.

PS. I suppose you have read 'Sophie's World'?

PPS. I like the way your mind works.

Purple Cow said...

Apparently, Pythagoras supposedly had that gift of time travel...apparently he had found a pylon and all this ability was destroyed when some Christians thought to destroy ancient philosophers' texts :-( I think we aren't anywhere near the discoveries the ancients had made. Take Epidaurus theatre for instance with its miraculously perfect acoustics and no electricity!

Yes, of course I have read Sophie's World and Castle in the Pyrenees. Infact, i once dedicated a post to Jostein Gaardner's sexiness!

Strange that you should suggest that maybe I am George, because initially, when I first began reading your blog, I thought that you and Anna were one and the same person...and I am still not totally convinced you are not.

(Something else for Anna to take the mickey out of next time she writes)

Have a great weekend George/Anna!