Friday, February 28, 2014



Okay, Saul, Paul - I knew that of course, but if you want to be picky...

Also I would like you to tell me how you would change my poem.

Anyway, let us look forward to the weekend.

The sun is a shining to welcome the day
And it's heigh ho, come to the fair...

Now why did those lines come into my head just now? Well, you'd be amazed what's in my head and some of it just has to come out now and then. Unbidden. Of it's own accord. In fact that's how much of my writing begins.

I am now going to psyche myself up to have a shower.


Thursday, February 27, 2014

It was Saul on the road to Damascus who got the epiphany and this is what changed his name to Paul.

But this is by the byes.

Perhaps we human homo sapiens have not yet evolved enough to not have war. Perhaps war is a stage we have to go through to get to peace. Like Marx say capitalism is something we have to go through so as to achieve economic base, but then capitalism will collapse under revolution of proletariat - which it hasn't.

In Sociology there is idea of 'Functionalism', which mean that if anything exist in society (like prostitution) then it must serve a function - otherwise would not exist. So maybe war serve a function. This is distressing notion but maybe have to look at possibility in order to find out what that function is? Only then can we deal with it.

Another theory is that all leaders are psychopaths. I do not know if this is so, but if so then we need to discover what function does having psychopathic leaders serve. This is too complex for me to deal with in this post - but see how much I learn on this university course and also how I may achieve PhD.

The poem you write is very sombre. Also I could point to small changes I would oneself make, but I do not think you would welcome this. So I will not.

The weather is very like Spring weather, with the sun shining and no rain (which is very strange for England). But I have essay to write before I can be free for the weekend which I am looking towards with enthusiasm. Because it is well to remember that brain is not the only part of body which require exercising. Too much dwelling on cerebral matters and lack of attention to physical matters result in very unbalanced person.

At weekend I will adjust balance for you.


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Can't think of a title

Well you sure spat a boot-full there, Anna. I couldn't have said it better myself - well, I could, but not in such picturesque language.

I watched the tv news last night: people all over the world knocking hell out of each other. What is going on? Folk stuck in the middle; refugees, starving and frightened out of their wits; loved ones dead or maimed. I saw Damascus - bombed and shelled, shattered buildings that were once, someone's home. 

Wasn't it on the road to Damascus that Paul experienced his epiphany? If he'd been walking along that road today he'd probably have experienced a rocket in his earhole.

And all in the name of some 'cause'.

Here's a poem I wrote some time ago. It wasn't about the Middle East - it was a bit nearer to home.

Well, Anna, I can't sit here all morning, I have work to do, places to go, people to meet.

Besides, I need the lavatory.


Monday, February 24, 2014

Why are you putting into one's mouth the words I have not spoken? But it is possible that you are involving in the displacement (of which I am familiar since is covered on my course - which you do not ask me how I am getting on)

Sometimes , instead of anger being directed at some outside source, anger is changed inside of a person to sadness and this comes to the forward as depression. This I know. And it may be hard to sort out the anger what one feels because it may be about one's parent who is now deceased. And one cannot explain to them how one feels and even if still alive is maybe old and frail doddering person who you think may just be killed by your anger.

But it even goes further beyond than that because when one was a small child if your mummy said- you will be the death of me. Or- if you behave like what you are behaving I shall go mad and they carry me off to the loony bin. And you think- oh dear, such power I have over one's mummy and best be careful or I may kill them, or worse. And so if you feel angry you pretend not to be angry and you stuff it down inside of yourself. But the anger never go away because it is like energy, and like you have said, Georgie, you cannot destroy energy, but only convert into something else.

So your little child mind thinks- anger is dangerous so I will change it into sadness and then I won't kill anybody. And then when you grow up you do not know how to be angry - how to express anger - because not all of it can be changed into sadness, so it stay like geni in bottle, in fairytale waiting for someone to come along and release. Then one day- BAM! Someone knock stopper off bottle and anger geni leap out and let them have full force of anger what has been store up for years and years and years. And poor bugger does not know what hit him/her, and cries out in astonishment. And then you feel guilty, and stuff anger geni back in bottle, where he wait- till next time.

But one is getting away from the point. There is also some people who have been taught as child they should not be sad. So they have bottle with all sadness stuffed away in. And one day when some small sad thing occur it knock stopper off their bottle of sadness and it comes out. Not leap, like the anger, but just pour like treacle over everything. And then people say- why you so sad? Because little incident what knocked stopper off bottle was maybe a bit sad but not like tragic or anything, which is way you are reacting. 

Sometimes if one cannot get stopper back on sadness bottle they say- go see doctor for there must be something wrong with your brain. And doctor try to be helpful and say- take these pills. And if lucky these pills help you put stopper back on sadness bottle - for a bit. But they do not get rid of all the sadness in the bottle, so there it lie, and wait to come treacling out when pills wear off or maybe you stop taking them.

So really best thing is to have a look what may be in your bottle of anger and bottle of sadness. But I do not have time here to tell how that might be done.

Anyway, since you do not ask how I am doing with my studies, I will tell you- I am doing well, indeed and expect to be asked to do also Master degree and possibly Doctor of Philosophy degree. But I am alarmed at what you write, which is not like you, not like you write usually. So am taking this weekend to come down visit you.

Therefore do not make any plans because I shall be taking up all your time- and not just in bedroom (although that is important) but also to talk about these psychological problems. Oh, I shall say 'issues' because no one has problems any more- only issues.

Be ready for me


Sunday, February 23, 2014

Show me a happy fanatic


There is a saying: 'Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel'.

I am saying that Fanaticism is the last refuge of the deeply unhappy.

In my trade (ex trade) we used the Freudian term displacement to describe the process whereby a person unconsciously 'shifts' his or her  focus from the inner to the outer. 

If emotions, deep feelings, are too painful or 'dangerous' to deal with,  he or she will substitute some outside object, group on which to visit their deeply felt anger, resentment, guilt, frustration or fear. 

In other words, the internal conflict is objectified and therefore made more easy to deal with. Suitable candidates are the government; the establishment; a religious or racial group; big business; colonialism; socialism; communism... pick your label.

This is not to say that the chosen 'target' is entirely blameless, of course not, but a good indication that displacement is present is the degree of anger, hate, invective,  that is being directed toward an anonymous 'enemy'. This is  coupled with an unwillingness (or inability) to see any good at all in the target object or group.

Anger can be a good thing. But best to be honest about where it's coming from.

What's that you say, Anna? This diatribe against fanatics could be an instance of displacement? How dare you!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Sawing a log with a screwdriver


You can't do it.

If only we could stop searching for the one answer; the one explanation that 'explains' everything. But something that explains everything explains nothing.

If only we could stop looking for the Holy Grail. The 'cure for all our ills: The one true faith; the religion; the political ideology; the economic system; the health regime.

A blind man in a coal-cellar, looking for a black cat that isn't there.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The sides of the mountain


The destination has become more important than the journey - that's what's wrong, Anna. We want to get there before we've started out.

Remember Robert Pirsig? "The sides of the mountain are more interesting that the top... but you need the top to define the sides..." (That may not be a perfectly accurate quote but it's near enough).

I know I have said this before but see all the people on a train, reading their book, texting... anything to make the journey go quicker. Never looking out of the window at the scenery - or their fellow passengers. 

Instant gratification: the quicker, the faster, the easier...the better.

And I am speaking as someone who likes technology... praises technology, for where would we be without it? I wouldn't be typing this for a start. But perhaps we need be selective, and not dance to the tune of the gizmo industry. And also be aware that for every gain there is a loss. Very often the gain is worth the loss - but not always. And it's not the same for every person. 

I've started on my course of antibiotics, Anna. I have to take 4 a day - one hour before meals. Now that is hard to gauge, what with my busy schedule. My foot is sore but, you know me, I soldier bravely on.

I'm having a cup of tea now. And - guess what - it's raining again. We have had more rain this January than ever has been recorded, or since the universe began - something like that. Statistics are all very well, but the fact is, it's raining now!

I have finished my cup of tea and am going to get my cornflakes.

Friday, February 14, 2014



I'll start the antibiotics tomorrow. I don't think another day will make much difference. The doc said I was ok to have a  'glass' of beer whilst taking them. I suppose I could stretch this to a pint.
But anyway, as I say, I'll start the antibiotics tomorrow.

Sunday, February 09, 2014

It's not good


It's not good, Anna, I can't pretend it is.

I moved some stuff today and then just sat there and watched it go dark.

It was lovely. So quiet, peaceful. Not television, no radio.

I don't know what I am going to do now. I will try and find somewhere else

I called at the pub on the way back and had just one pint of bitter - hardly an orgy. But I just didn't feel like it.

I am cancelling all engagements for the time being.


Friday, February 07, 2014

Well, although sad the news, have you not been saying you were thinking of making a change? Sometimes the change is made for us. For example events in my homeland regarding the business of Sven and myself made a change of scenery (and country) a pressing urgency. 

Since then one has never looked back - well perhaps once or twice - and yet would not have made the change had it not the change been made for me, if you are understanding the drift of my drift.

And also to remember that the only certainty in life is change. Also change is good for one. Otherwise it is stagnating, like the pond, and unlike the river which is always moving on. (This I think is old Swedish saying - and if not, it should be).

So who is knowing what new vistas are opening up for you - and me of course.

I have two small sausage rolls for luncheon. Because I am so busy, but if I had not been busy would probably have had same because only thing available. But sausage roll is from M & S who purvey fine food.

(I am typing this whilst eating aforesaid sausage rolls)

As was I saying in previous post, half-term is approaching. Or is it I who am approaching half term? I say this because I am required now to study relativistic philosophy, which deal with question appearing to be common sense but which upon closer examination are not at all.

Finished. Must now go.



Well, Anna, this may come as a bit of a shock - it did to me - but the building I have my studio in is being sold for redevelopment! 
So I have to get out.

I had a meeting with John (the present owner) on Tuesday. He tells me that the building is not paying its way (he has not raised the rents for some time) and there is much structural repair work to be done. So he is selling to a developer.

I will give you more information later. I just wanted you to know what was happening.

As one door closes...

A slightly bemused George

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Always will I have time to blog you my Georgie.

Also I know what ghoti means. I ask my pastoral tutor (who wants to take me out to dinner because he is thinking I have special needs for being of foreign origin) and he tell me this word mean 'fish'.
Because gh is pronounced like 'f' as is in 'enough'. Then o is pronounced as 'i' like in word 'women'. Finally ti is pronounced like 'sh' as in word 'action'. 

 My pastoral tutor - who is named Nigel - tells me Mr Shaw has shed in garden wherein he goes to write, and this shed is on turntable thing so as can rotate and always be in sunshine. I think Mr Shaw is clever man - although now dead.

I would very much like to see photos of windmill village and I do remember how are rushing at speed to lavotories, just in time also I would add.

I too am sorting some photos out so to post here. Such a wonderful thing is the photography, so you can have memory of events and people long gone by. And it all come back to you when you see photo, and you say - ha! I remember that morning, or afternoon or whatever time photo was taken. Also most people take photos when they are happy and living happy times, so they are bringing back happy memories. Mostly, but not always.

I agree with what it is you are saying about media, which is why as I have said previous time I do not read English newspapers. Hardly also do I watch television - except for programmes required to watch for my studies, which is not many and mostly on BBC2.

How can the brain take in all these problems about the floodings and the wars and the starving peoples of distant lands about which I know nothing? And even when I do know something because the television is showing me distressing scenes, I can do nothing about it because I am here, many many miles away. Nigel tell me that the brain always try to solve problems what is presented to it, and if is bombarded with too many it cannot solve, it gets all clogged up and frustrated and ceases to work efficiently. This is becoming serious problem for those who watch too much television.

Anyways, is time for bed - alone. But soon will be the half term, and then we can enjoy each other again.

Until such time, I sleep alone.


The Media creates our world view


Okay, so you know that. But are you aware of what it means?

It creates our reality. Unless we make strenuous and consistent efforts to be on our guard. And that's tiring.

I know you're too busy at the knowledge factory, Anna, to be bothered with this frivolous blogging thing, but that's okay. I shall continue to plow my lonely furrow!

Is it 'plow'? or should it be 'plough'? No, I get a red underlining when I try this (perhaps 'plow' is the American spelling - you colonials have a lot to answer for, eh? No, it's just another example of the directness of Americans. George Bernard Shaw would have approved - even though he never got his Esperanto.

Here's a teaser, Anna. What (according to GBS) does this word mean: ghoti ?

Butt does it all bloody matter! Words are my business; I am a wordsmith. Often trapped in my world of words, forgetting that they are only symbols - not the real things they are supposed to represent.

Anyway, enough of this. I'm going to get my breakfast.

Monday, February 03, 2014



My image was recorded this morning, for my safety and for the prevention of crime. At least, that is what the notice on the wall of the bus station told me.

Actually I was feeling quite safe anyway, and I had not considered committing a crime. But this is perhaps a churlish attitude to take toward those who have my interests at heart.

Incidentally, not many people use the word 'churlish' these days.
I do.
Apparently a churl was a medieval English peasant; a rude boorish person. But surely not all of them were rude and boorish. Perhaps the word 'rude' in this instance means more like it does in the term 'a rude hut': simple, basic, rough. Perhaps English peasants were like this. Who knows? But 'boorish' (without looking it up) means ill mannered, so perhaps this also was a characteristic of the medieval English peasant. For who would teach them manners?

But I digress. I am fiddling while Rome burns. (my Rome, not the Italian city). I won't go into details. You wouldn't be interested.

I do remember the windmill village. That was where I got 'caught short' (another English idiom - meaning: desperately, urgently  needing a visit to the nearest lavatory). Luckily, in Holland the lavatories are superb; very clean and well appointed. Here is another instance where continentals can teach us British something.

But there are some things that the British can teach the world. They are far too many to go into here.

I have not been in the mood for writing, but I will dance again.

Meanwhile, here is a poem:

Note to the Court of Human Rights

They've boarded up my windows of opportunity -
They say I pose a threat to the community -
So I sit here feeling glum,
Waiting for the van to come,
How can they flout my rights with such impunity?

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Is good you remember this place for much fun did we have here.

Do not forget windmill village - I have photos from here which I will endeavour to discover and post here.

As regards lady with whip. I think you well knowing that no horse riding was intended heretofore. Even so I am thinking you would have stopped to converse had I not being accompanied with you, and deliver sharp blow in lumbar region to propel one forward. 

Yes this country of England is way behind of the times as I have been telling you for long enough. All of this banning nice, gentle, recreational marijuana and yet you English go drinking pint upon pint of beer and then fisticuff with each other upon the street, causing innocent passers along to be frightened for their safety.

Also let me be asking you - how many persons are visiting Emergency room of hospital on the Saturday night because they have been smoking marijuana?
Answer me that one.

No, do not be bothering for well I know the answer.

This book you lend for me, which is entitled 'More than this', is very strange story. It is how you say in English idiom - doing my head in.
And yet I continue to read because is gripping story.

When I see news on the television I think, what a watery country is England - and yet no ice or snow. Except for some piddling little bits which everyone  think so dramatical but is nothing like Sweden.

I shall cease to watch news.