Tuesday, February 04, 2014

The Media creates our world view


Okay, so you know that. But are you aware of what it means?

It creates our reality. Unless we make strenuous and consistent efforts to be on our guard. And that's tiring.

I know you're too busy at the knowledge factory, Anna, to be bothered with this frivolous blogging thing, but that's okay. I shall continue to plow my lonely furrow!

Is it 'plow'? or should it be 'plough'? No, I get a red underlining when I try this (perhaps 'plow' is the American spelling - you colonials have a lot to answer for, eh? No, it's just another example of the directness of Americans. George Bernard Shaw would have approved - even though he never got his Esperanto.

Here's a teaser, Anna. What (according to GBS) does this word mean: ghoti ?

Butt does it all bloody matter! Words are my business; I am a wordsmith. Often trapped in my world of words, forgetting that they are only symbols - not the real things they are supposed to represent.

Anyway, enough of this. I'm going to get my breakfast.

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