Monday, April 16, 2012

Horses don't bet on people


Apparently Claire Balding commented (at the Grand National) that is was lovely to see horses who had lost their jockeys still running and jumping the fences.

This has given me a great idea: If horses do love running and jumping so much that they will do it on their own - just for the fun of it - why not do away with the jockeys?

The horses would go faster (they wouldn't need saddles or the other stuff - just a sort of cloth on their back with a number on it - like greyhounds) and jockeys would no longer have to risk their necks (or the anger of owners and trainers when they lost).

I really am surprised no on has thought of this before.

Don't you think this would be a splendid idea, Anna?


(by the way - you haven't replied to my last post yet - I hope you are well)

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