Sunday, August 26, 2012

Always judge a book by its cover


And rain bounces, a foot into the air, off parked cars. Exaggeration? Well, where would we be without a bit of exaggeration?

Looks like it's rained all night, judging by the lake in the garden, with  two swans floating happily. (How do you know if a swan is happy? A swan's expression doesn't really change much).

They say this is the wettest summer since time began. Can you imagine a time when there was no time? I can't. Einstein said Time is the fourth dimension. Who am I to argue.

Old Quartzy on the wall chimes Eight, and it's raining even harder. I look out the window and see animals hurrying by - two by two. Strange. I wonder where they're going?

I can't stop thinking about Time. And really I have so many things to do. That's why I'm up early. 

Time's pressing. That's a funny expression. Sounds like it's pressing down on your head - squashing you. Perhaps Time - like gravity - is a force that holds us in place on the planet. Stops us flying off into Space - which is another dimension.

What if you could stop Time? Like pressing 'pause' on a video machine. Or, even better, run it backwards. Wouldn't that be fun? Especially if you could edit out the bits you didn't like!

I can hear the rain now, drumming on the double-glazing.

Can you really run out of Time? Or out of Space for that matter? How can you run out of a dimension?

They say that Hallucogenic drugs distort your experience of time and space. But is it really a distortion? Is what we consider 'normal' actually a distortion of reality? Distorted by the limitations of our five senses? Perhaps these drugs really do open the 'Doors of Perception' - letting us experience more of what is really there.

I'm going to get my cornflakes now.

Oh, one more thing:

I am not sure Dave's flat is a good idea. For our meeting, I mean. Don't ask me why - it's just a feeling I have. I think it may be to do with the idea of sleeping in the same bed. I mean the bed that you two share. Almost a marital bed!

And... sorry I haven't replied before now but I've had a lot on my plate - figuratively speaking. (I have not had a lot on my dinner plate, ...I am eating frugally at the moment.)

Just one more thing: My feet are beginning to itch. I feel the need to roam. I shall advise you of my travel itinerary as soon as it is finalised.

Please do not keep me waiting as long as I have kept you waiting.


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