Friday, August 10, 2012

These are troubled times


You haven't replied to my last communication, Anna.

Of course I don't expect you to reply immediately, every time I write - that would be unreasonable, unrealistic. It's just that these are troubled times and the flak is flying.

I am reading 'The Unfortunates' by B. S. Johnson. It's his famous 'Book in a Box'. The chapters are all loose and you can read them in any order - except the FIRST and LAST which are so titled and should be read as such.

It is a grim book but I love the writing style.

I find that, at the moment, I only get relief, respite from the vagaries of fate and the buffets of life when I write. Surely that's not right?

An anonymous comment advised me not to look in the mirror but to look up at the sky.

I did, and a seagull 'pooped' in my eye.

Waiting for your words


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