Monday, April 15, 2013

April Showers


Well, Anna, there have been no showers today and I have been for a ride on my bicycle. Not far, because I am having to start from scratch, so to speak. Someone has kindly given me a bike (I told you my other had been stolen?) and it was good to be back in the saddle today.

Also I think - no I am sure - the exercise will be good for me. I felt so much better when I returned this afternoon. I will keep you posted as to my progress. (once upon a time I could ride 100 miles in a day)

I have been doing some writing and perhaps will post on the blog. Some of it is pretty serious stuff... but here is one that isn't.

The Community Psychiatric Nurse

The CPN came round
Again –
She’s more depressed than me
I let her cry on my shoulder
Then made her a cup of tea.

“It’s all these bleedin’ cutbacks”
She said, between her sobs,
“They’re makin’ us redundant –
We’re going to lose our jobs”

“There, there,” I said,
“Don’t fret yourself –
Come and fret me instead”
So she did - and an afternoon’s fretting
Has certainly cleared my head.

Did I tell you that my friend Mary had died? A bit of a shock that was.
Where do you think we go when we die, Anna?

Do we go anywhere?
Or are we just a bunch of carbon atoms, arranged in a particular pattern, and when we die the pattern breaks down but the carbon atoms go on to form someone (or something) else?

A bit of a bleak outlook? Not necessarily. Depends how you look at it. I look at it a lot.

It would be nice, though, to think that we did carry on... somewhere, wouldn't it.

Anyway, I am off to my truckle bed - I am pleasantly tired after that bike ride.

Hope the studying is going well.

Your George

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