Sunday, December 05, 2004

Message from Mummy


Mummy has asked me to say a big thank you to those who have responded to her plea for understanding. She says she will reply to you all in full, only at the moment she 'hasn't got a minute to herself'

Uncle Harry has come to stay with us. I have never met him before, but mummy says he has been away in America helping Mr Bush in his fight against the Evil One.
Uncle Harry is a deeply religious man (like Mr Bush), he brings God into the conversation at every opportunity. For instance, on Saturday I asked him to take me to the zoo. He replied: Why you wanna go the goddamn zoo, kid? All them goddamn mangy animals. It aint proper. They should be in the goddamn wild, like what nature intended - so's folks could go an hunt 'em and shoot 'em. Ain't you got no goddamn buddies ? (I think he meant friends). When I was your goddamn age I was out chasin ass. (I have no idea what this means)
He is very generous: he gives me money to go to the pictures in the afternoon, and buys me lots of sweets (candy, he calls it). Mummy is looking positively radiant since his arrival. She says to tell a Mr R J Adams and a gentleman known as 'Harrovian' that she will be contacting them personally - just as soon as she "gets her breath back".

Oh yes - and she has been unable to reach the URL 'good2go' but thanks for the comment.

Anyway I must go now. Mummy and Uncle Harry have gone down the 'Jolly Pervert' and Uncle Harry has given me a video to watch. It is called 'The Piano Teacher'. He says it will help in my studies. (I have been having trouble with my left hand recently). He is so thoughtful.


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