Friday, March 30, 2012


I am still awaiting your reply, Anna?

By the way, did you hear about that student who has been jailed for writing offensive comments on Twitter? (perhaps I should have said 'tweeting' to be in with the jargon)

Now there's an example of British Justice at its best, I am sure you will agree. You can't have people going around saying whatever they want. All these 'civil liberty' whingers banging on about Free Speech - yes, we do have Free Speech but  (to paraphrase George Orwell) some speech is freer than others. And who better to arbitrate than one of her Majesty's Judges? (Noblesse oblige and all that). In fact anyone who 'tweets' that they disagree with the sentence should be arrested immediately and brought to book.

I heard some 'Human Rights' loony on the wireless saying that - although he condemned as vicious, malevolent, offensive, the comments made by this nasty young man - anyone should be free to express an opinion, however disrespectful, insulting, disgraceful, outrageous.. because that is what 'free speech' is about. And if you start saying that some things are 'okay' while others are not, then what you have is not 'free speech' but 'privilege speech'. He said, as long as you do not use physical violence against a person then you ought to be able to express your opinion;  similarly others must have the same freedom to challenge that opinion.

Is he mad?

This is not what we signed up to the Magna Carta for, all those years ago, is it?

Now, I don't suppose you have heard of the Magna Carta, Anna. So here is a succinct explanation of the major points by Stanley Holloway.

(pay particular attention to the last two lines)

Hope to hear from you soon


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