Friday, January 31, 2014

I'm not sure I know where I'm going, but I know where I've been.


Indeed I do know this is not England: It is in fact Noordwijk, a seaside town in the Netherlands - or South Holland. How well I remember our stay there, and our visit to Amsterdam - where I was beckoned by a large lady with a whip, who suddenly appeared out of a doorway. Naturally, I hurried on. On reflection, perhaps it was rather churlish of me not to have stopped and spoken to her. Perhaps she had some indoor riding academy where lessons were provided for the beginner (such as I was then - I have, of course, since spent considerable time in the saddle, and am admired for my 'seat')

I may go back there one day. I think I have said this before, but the Netherlanders (I made this up - is it a real word?) are considerably advanced in their thinking, compared to the UK. Their attitudes to euthanasia, sex and drugs are much more civilised. Or should I say they are more open and straightforward in their attitude. 

As regards sex and drugs, this has always been the privileged province of our upper-classes. It's when the plebs start wanting a bit that our 'betters' bring in laws to keep us in our place.

Oh, I can't believe I've said that. Sounds too political for me. (Didn't Dave say I was politically naive?) Best get back to the funny stuff, eh? 

Anyway it's time for high tea.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

I did not say this picture was taken in Sweden.

Also I know that you know this bedroom.

But this was cold, cold night in winter (though not as cold as Sweden where it remind me of, and heart aches for my homeland).

But this photo is not England:

The sea is North Sea. Are you remembering whence this photo is being taken?

What is this strange poem you are posting? Wherefore are all the lyrical love poem which you have been writing for many years? Some of them to Anna. Poems in where you talk of walking down country lane and knowing that one's life will never be the same after this night? This is sort of romantic writing which is sadly needed today (or if not today, tomorrow).


Monday, January 27, 2014

Now look here...


A night
Bursting at the seams
With dreams

A morning
Grey with rain
A radio
Music, coming from
The next room

Okay I know it's Monday but I wrote that yesterday morning. It's not a poem - it's an observation.  

Here's a poem:

E = mc2
He said:  E = mc2
I said: Einstein - that is absurd
He said: No, straight up man. Innit -
I’ll prove it to you in a minute.

Then he showed me his workings-out
I said: Einnie, what’s this all about?
You know I’m no good at sums
Not like your scientist chums.

He said: Well we still can be buddies,
Though I’m doin’ physics, and you, media studies.
I said: Ok then – elucidate,
But make it very simple, mate.

He said: The Big Bang caused a helluva splatter
And that’s what converted energy to matter.
And, when that matter began to form,
That’s when the universe was born.

And this created the force we call ‘gravity’ -
Essential for when you go on the lavatory –
For without it things just wouldn’t fall
When you tried to answer nature’s call.
I said: Well I never thought of that –
The role of gravity when one shat.

He continued: Everything’s relative man –
Has been since the world began -
Y’see Time is just the bending of Space,
So it all depends in whatever place
In space and time you choose to stand -
I said: Einnie, if that don’t beat the band.

He said: Then it comes down to the speed of light,
And that’s a constant – got it? Right?
And there’s nothing that can travel faster.
I said: Einnie, I don’t think I’ll ever master
This science stuff, and there’s the rub –
So why don’t we just go down the pub?
My poor old brain is starting to hurt –
He said: Okay, don’t lose your shirt..

And so old Einnie grabbed his hat
And arm in arm we left the flat
We shared in student accommodation,
Talking of how we’d change the nation

Sadly, I never got my degree –
(Media Studies defeated me),
But Einstein done good – or so I’ve heard –
And all because E=mc2

By the way, Anna, that photograph was not taken in Sweden. I know that bedroom.



Thursday, January 23, 2014

Here is photo taken some long times ago.

Observed from one's bedroom window it of night scene approaching Christmas festival.

In background of picture can be seen tower of small church which I am not attending since many years ago.

I do not recall you saying you were ever in navy, Georgie. Is this one other of one's fantastical romances?

Monday, January 20, 2014

Decicisions, decicisions


One problem solved - another presents itself.

Still, that's the way it goes. Is that the way it goes? Somebody said the human brain is 'designed' (I put that word in inverted commas because the human brain was not designed - rather it evolved) for problem solving. And that if it didn't have any problems to solve it would invent some. Can this be true?

Oh, that camera! Yes, I have got that one, but in fact I bought it myself. You can't get film for it, as far as I know, and I also do not think it is valuable.

Yes, that really is me, Mr Adams. Of course you knew me in the navy and were used to seeing me in full dress uniform.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

How is it you are achieving this picture with same picture in centre as if on screen of phone, and yet how can this be?

I was not present when photo was taken but this is pier in seaside town where we walk in rain and wind on that memory-sticking weekend in Wales. Is it not? Also this is place where man who wrote story of Alice in the Wonderland did live. This is man who like taking photographs of little girls.  They have museum which is all about this silly girl who never was, but is said based upon one of girls he liked to photograph. This is a very strange man.

We also visit place which I think is called the Betty co ed which has what you in UK call waterfall, but yet is small stream splashing down a few rocks. Nothing like waterfall in Sweden.

The camera Sven is talking about is not actual Polaroid but similar camera made by Japanese company of Fuji. He tells me model is called 'instax mini 10 and when photo is taken out it pops in few seconds - like Polaroid. He tells me this camera now valuable collector's item and would like it back.

But all this talk of the taking of the photos is making me to think that perhaps I will share some of my pictures here on this blog. I do not mean taken during my professional career - of course not. But pictures what I have taken to satisfy oneself, because as you know, Georgie, I have eye for the unusual and the quirky and also have compositional skills in the visual arts.

I do not think I should publish 'selfie' because I am too well known in certain level of society or maybe strata is better word, as  to be recognised and cause damage perhaps to my academic career. But I will consider.

Oh, and this book you give to me which is called 'More than this' is very disturbing book, but what you call 'page turner'. Even though I am saying to myself - Anna, why are you reading such disturbing silliness. Never mind. I will continue to end. And then begin to study properly. Which is more important than reading fictional writing.

Thursday, January 16, 2014



I know this is technically not a 'selfie' but it shows me in a reflective mood ...on the pier at Llandudno, summer 2013. 

I call the photo The Man Within or Infinite Regression

Monday, January 13, 2014

Rantings from the touchline


Now how many times do I have to tell your stupid brother that I do not owe him money and neither do I have any of his tatty equipment.

And, Anna, my love, please remember how I plucked you from a life of shame (albeit a well paid life of shame) in the Swedish porn industry, and gave you a new start in life as au pair to the Turner family at their country home, Wynorin, deep in the heart of the Cotswolds.

And now, yes, I have fallen upon hard times, buoyed up by a raft of drugs, but the angry seas still running high all around me, threatening to engulf me at any moment.

What do The Bible, The Koran, Das Capital and Mein Kampf have in common?
There are no jokes in any of them. (well not so far as I know... I cannot claim to have read them from front to back). But perhaps some things are too serious to joke about - what do you think, Anna?

Perhaps Life is too serious to make jokes about. Well, tell me what other way there is to deal with it!

To sleep, perchance to dream... there's no perchance about it Will.
Where do they all come from? That's what I'd like to know.


Sunday, January 12, 2014

I do not much read your English newspapers being of the opinion they all have a hatchet to grind (English idiom). But I do buy the 'i' for the excellent crossword. Not cryptic but concise one. I cannot be bothering one's head with the cryptic - one would need the mind of the ladies of Bletchley. Oh yes, I have been watching 'The Bletchley Circle' again.

Do you remember when we are visiting this place and looking at room where Alan Turing worked and observing his cup chained to radiator? (I do not think was original cup but just to show how he chained cup to radiator. This demonstrating how genius can also be eccentric) Also he had squeaky bicycle and everyone could hear him coming when he rides around the grounds.
(Does this not indicate meanness of British government? That man who works so tirelessly to crack German Enigma Code is not seen to be worth expenditure of a little oil for his bicycle?) 

You have still not published selfie. What are you trying to do is to be getting people all anticipated to be seeing photo of self (which is why called 'selfie') This is wrong thing to be doing because when people anticipate too much they may be disappointed at when eventually they see photo, and say - well, what was all that about.

And another thing you have not been doing is getting sticking onto the writing. And then will you be complaining of how broke up you are with no money. What you are needing is the personal assistant which I refuse to be because I am too busy studying. And that is reminding me - I may change title of dissertation. This is not because of critical remarks you are making but because topic is too easy, there being masses and masses of evidence readily available to make one's case. It would be like what the Americans say - shooting the fishes swimming in the barrel. But why would the Americans want to do this?

Anyway, enough of this suppositioning - I have work to do.

Oh, have had telephone call from brother Sven, asking when can you return to him Polaroid camera.



Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Now then


I know you don't go having a jump in a lift - well, normal folk don't - I was speaking hypothetically. Are you not interested in science and the little conundrums it poses? Well, I am.

By the way - I think your topic for a dissertation is daft. For a start: where is your evidence that the English are sexually repressed? And as for channelling such allegedly repressed energy into conquering other countries... what a slur upon a noble nation that has done so much to spread civilisation around  the globe. 

Another thing: I shall decide when to publish a selfie - no one else. But I do have a recent photograph which, although not strictly speaking a selfie, does convey some of the essential George. I shall publish this.

Yes, I know I haven't written much lately. I just don't seem to have been in the mood. But all that will change.

Now is the time for action. Less of this shilly-shallying about.

Oh, I have found a number of Premium Bonds (you do know what they are, don't you, Anna?) I have had them for 30 years and never won anything, so I am going to cash them. It's only a small amount but I can do with every bit of cash I can lay my hands on.

I am, though, adopting a more relaxed attitude toward fiscal matters. I don't look at bank statements any more.

Last night I dreamt my mother had turned our home into a boarding-house. I was appalled.
