Monday, January 20, 2014

Decicisions, decicisions


One problem solved - another presents itself.

Still, that's the way it goes. Is that the way it goes? Somebody said the human brain is 'designed' (I put that word in inverted commas because the human brain was not designed - rather it evolved) for problem solving. And that if it didn't have any problems to solve it would invent some. Can this be true?

Oh, that camera! Yes, I have got that one, but in fact I bought it myself. You can't get film for it, as far as I know, and I also do not think it is valuable.

Yes, that really is me, Mr Adams. Of course you knew me in the navy and were used to seeing me in full dress uniform.

1 comment:

R J Adams said...

Ah, yes, George. I remember you cut quite a dash in your admiral's tricorn. (Shame he demanded it back!)