Monday, January 27, 2014

Now look here...


A night
Bursting at the seams
With dreams

A morning
Grey with rain
A radio
Music, coming from
The next room

Okay I know it's Monday but I wrote that yesterday morning. It's not a poem - it's an observation.  

Here's a poem:

E = mc2
He said:  E = mc2
I said: Einstein - that is absurd
He said: No, straight up man. Innit -
I’ll prove it to you in a minute.

Then he showed me his workings-out
I said: Einnie, what’s this all about?
You know I’m no good at sums
Not like your scientist chums.

He said: Well we still can be buddies,
Though I’m doin’ physics, and you, media studies.
I said: Ok then – elucidate,
But make it very simple, mate.

He said: The Big Bang caused a helluva splatter
And that’s what converted energy to matter.
And, when that matter began to form,
That’s when the universe was born.

And this created the force we call ‘gravity’ -
Essential for when you go on the lavatory –
For without it things just wouldn’t fall
When you tried to answer nature’s call.
I said: Well I never thought of that –
The role of gravity when one shat.

He continued: Everything’s relative man –
Has been since the world began -
Y’see Time is just the bending of Space,
So it all depends in whatever place
In space and time you choose to stand -
I said: Einnie, if that don’t beat the band.

He said: Then it comes down to the speed of light,
And that’s a constant – got it? Right?
And there’s nothing that can travel faster.
I said: Einnie, I don’t think I’ll ever master
This science stuff, and there’s the rub –
So why don’t we just go down the pub?
My poor old brain is starting to hurt –
He said: Okay, don’t lose your shirt..

And so old Einnie grabbed his hat
And arm in arm we left the flat
We shared in student accommodation,
Talking of how we’d change the nation

Sadly, I never got my degree –
(Media Studies defeated me),
But Einstein done good – or so I’ve heard –
And all because E=mc2

By the way, Anna, that photograph was not taken in Sweden. I know that bedroom.



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