Monday, January 13, 2014

Rantings from the touchline


Now how many times do I have to tell your stupid brother that I do not owe him money and neither do I have any of his tatty equipment.

And, Anna, my love, please remember how I plucked you from a life of shame (albeit a well paid life of shame) in the Swedish porn industry, and gave you a new start in life as au pair to the Turner family at their country home, Wynorin, deep in the heart of the Cotswolds.

And now, yes, I have fallen upon hard times, buoyed up by a raft of drugs, but the angry seas still running high all around me, threatening to engulf me at any moment.

What do The Bible, The Koran, Das Capital and Mein Kampf have in common?
There are no jokes in any of them. (well not so far as I know... I cannot claim to have read them from front to back). But perhaps some things are too serious to joke about - what do you think, Anna?

Perhaps Life is too serious to make jokes about. Well, tell me what other way there is to deal with it!

To sleep, perchance to dream... there's no perchance about it Will.
Where do they all come from? That's what I'd like to know.


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