Sunday, January 19, 2014

How is it you are achieving this picture with same picture in centre as if on screen of phone, and yet how can this be?

I was not present when photo was taken but this is pier in seaside town where we walk in rain and wind on that memory-sticking weekend in Wales. Is it not? Also this is place where man who wrote story of Alice in the Wonderland did live. This is man who like taking photographs of little girls.  They have museum which is all about this silly girl who never was, but is said based upon one of girls he liked to photograph. This is a very strange man.

We also visit place which I think is called the Betty co ed which has what you in UK call waterfall, but yet is small stream splashing down a few rocks. Nothing like waterfall in Sweden.

The camera Sven is talking about is not actual Polaroid but similar camera made by Japanese company of Fuji. He tells me model is called 'instax mini 10 and when photo is taken out it pops in few seconds - like Polaroid. He tells me this camera now valuable collector's item and would like it back.

But all this talk of the taking of the photos is making me to think that perhaps I will share some of my pictures here on this blog. I do not mean taken during my professional career - of course not. But pictures what I have taken to satisfy oneself, because as you know, Georgie, I have eye for the unusual and the quirky and also have compositional skills in the visual arts.

I do not think I should publish 'selfie' because I am too well known in certain level of society or maybe strata is better word, as  to be recognised and cause damage perhaps to my academic career. But I will consider.

Oh, and this book you give to me which is called 'More than this' is very disturbing book, but what you call 'page turner'. Even though I am saying to myself - Anna, why are you reading such disturbing silliness. Never mind. I will continue to end. And then begin to study properly. Which is more important than reading fictional writing.

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