Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Not the story

Some unrelated comments (or are they?)

I woke up thinking about Eartha Kitt.

I used to be a big fan of hers. What happened to her? Oh, I know she is what we call 'dead' - but that's no answer.

Where is that entity, being, person I experienced (and am still experiencing) as Eartha Kitt?

Is the answer to that question to be found in Particle Physics? Or Philosophy?


Keep taking the tablets

Nowadays, everything is to do with the destination, rather than the journey.  The journey has become a fag - something to be got over as quickly as possible. But if you think about it, you can never reach your destination. Because in getting there it becomes something else. It is no longer your destination. Wheras the journey... is always alive... happening.

And, of course, I'm not just talking about physical destinations. Take computers:Everything must be quicker and easier... and as a result often becomes more complicated. And the trend is for one device to do everything: a sort of Swiss Penknife approach. I think we are being led by the nose by the technocrats.  I am not knocking technology. But perhaps we could be a little more selective in which bits of technology we accept - and which we reject. To paraphrase a great teacher: Technology is made for man - not man for technology.

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