Saturday, May 24, 2014

What went wrong?

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

You Scatty Scandinavian


That's an old English idiom: Making an honest woman of her...

It dates from a time when people used to get married (a practice on the decline, I'm happy to say).

If a man was living with a woman and they were not married it was considered a scandal. And it was 'suggested' he marry her and 'make an honest woman of her'. 

I think 'honest' was the wrong word to choose - even though it does have the  less familiar meaning: 'moral and virtuous. But of course one cannot expect a Swedish person like yourself  to know that.

Only joking. Ask your average English person to define honest and I doubt he/she would come up with 'moral and virtuous'.

Anyway, you don't want to be made an honest woman of - do you?

I am taking exemption to the remark by Mr Adams.

 Why does he think that marrying you will make me an honest woman!

I am not dishonest.

OK maybes the occasional altering of truth a little to save hurting someone and also when necessary for survival, but you, Georgie, are no more honest than I am. Why should this man think so?


Saturday, May 17, 2014

I am reading a book by the comedian Ruby Wax, called
 'Sane New World'.

I also have for you special present, which I am not telling about at this juncture.

I think this book would be good for you to be reading and so I am bringing with me when I come which is not so long now, once I finish final exams.

Such hot weather we are having which is change from usual English rain and wind and chill. But cooler would be nicer for the examination room I think. One's knickers become uncomfortable in the stressful exam conditions and hot weather make this worse. One can always put up her hand and request to leave room for visit to toilet (to readjust garment) but this is embarrassment even if I say it is only for pee. Because one has to be accompanied by invigilator which may be male - even worse if female. This is to make sure one don't cheat but is stupid because how do they not know one has hidden secretly in water cistern relevant information? They do not, because invigilator is not allowed inside cubicle

You say you have not yet heard from publisher and yet you have been short-listed? This is strange but not so strange when you know how Americans work. It is your American publisher of which you speak, is it not?

Anyways you should believe in your work - it is not all crap, some is very good and deserve to be published.

Well, I have been invited to student bar by Connie and Margot where I shall only have the mineral water because probably be studying late into early next morning, perhaps.

You would like these two ladies because they are such good fun when drunk which is often. But both have very high IQ so don't have much problems with the studies. Connie's father is knight of the realm but Margot's family are immigrants - but legal. No problem with that.

Goodnight and sleep tightly


Friday, May 16, 2014



If Coronation Street is true to life why does nobody ever go to the lavatory?

This and other philosophical questions continue to occupy my mind as Spring blossoms.

I am worried about you Anna - I haven't heard from you for a while. I know your finals are upon you but a word would not come amiss.


(oh, and by the way: I am still waiting for an e mail from my publisher)

Saturday, May 10, 2014

An answer to R J Adams


Well, yes and no, R J.

Yes they are indeed bollards by the reeds and that is an estuary on the right of the picture. And there is a canal, although you can't see it in this picture.

Where? It is a place called Spike Island near Widnes, and one of my favourite walks. Here the Sankey Canal meets the River Mersey. There was probably some kind of wharf where the bollards are, this would be in the days when the canal and river were used for commerce. But this 'basin' is now cut off from both canal and river.

There is a mini marina and boating club on the canal and a lock (tidal) connecting to the Mersey.

Here is a photo of the canal just before it bends  to enter the lock.
As you can see, there are no narrow boats.

By the way, your line about the muddied waters, smell of wood smoke and diesel... brought back many (mostly happy) memories.

From one ex mariner to another


Friday, May 02, 2014

This and that


Here is another photo I took on one of my lone walks (without you, Anna)

I didn't notice the cyclist until after I had taken the picture (on my mobile phone). Or perhaps I did, subconsciously.

At any rate it is a happy accident... as discussed in the book 'The Accidental Masterpiece' by Michael Limmelman. Now, I'm not saying this is a masterpiece but the fortuitous cyclist adds that touch.

I see Jeremy Clarkson has got into trouble for using the 'n' word (it took me a bit to figure what that was) on tv. Apparently he recited that old nursery rhyme: 'Eeny, meeny, myny, mo'. 

It just goes to show (I'm not sure what).

Anyway, this won't get the cat washed. I'm going.

Your waiting
