Saturday, June 30, 2012

Perevules and zonks


Change and decay,
All around I see -
My lovely young dentist
Is leaving me.

Now then, Anna, I told you I had a dental appointment on the 26th - which was last Tuesday - but you haven't asked me how I went on!

Well, I had a rather deep filling and my mouth is still a bit sore - as my dentist warned that it would be. She said it would settle down, though.

But I have learned that my dentist is leaving the practice! Just when I had (to paraphrase Professor Higgins) become accustomed to her fingers. I felt quite depressed at the news. It demonstrates, yet again, the uncertainty of life.

The receptionist tells me that her replacement is also a woman. I quite like lady dentists but we shall just have to see how we get along. I think it is quite important to establish a good rapport with one's dentist since they invade (penetrate you might say) one's private space. I mean, in what other situation would you allow a woman to stick her rubber-gloved hand in your mouth?

Changing the subject, Anna: I was reflecting the other day upon the nature of 'truth'.I mean, can there ever be such a thing as objective truth? And what about facts? Are they just perhaps a special type of opinion? The desk at which I sit measures 5' 2" x 3' 4". I call this a 'fact' because every time I apply my steel tape measure I get the same result.

But is this a fact to a woodworm, living in the desk? (It's an old desk).

Then again, what are feet and inches? Conventions. Something we agree to work with. But I could say that my desk is 4 perevules, 7 zonks x 2 perevules, 13 zonks. And that would be a fact if I had devised a system in which perevules and zonks were accepted units of measurement.

So you see, Anna, nothing is as it seems.

I am quite happy to go along with your idea of Gerda's flat as a suitable venue for our next encounter.
Providing you can guarantee she will not return unannounced. This is a woman with whom I do not wish to bandy words - about promissory notes or anything else.

I look forward to hearing from you.

As ever


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