Thursday, July 25, 2013

Now just be looking here, Georgie.
There is only so long a girl may be kept waiting for to be fulfilled. Because one is not  getting any younger - which Dave is reminding me of most days which pass.

I know our relationship has stood up for many years and through many traumatical events - this I tell Dave. But a woman has her needs. And so how can one expect her keep herself pure when man of her choice is not responding. And when other man - which is Dave - is in such close vicinity each day.

Also Dave tell me he is going to put himself up for selection as Labour candidate for local elections. And people what do selecting are sure to ask what is nature of your relationship to beautiful Swedish lady who share your home.

Dave say it is not necessary that we be married because being Labour Party they are very much into 'partner' thing and would accept this as satisfactory union. However, to say this lady reside under my roof as merely friend might have people think Dave is gay. This Dave would not be objecting to as he is champion of alternative love styles. 

Problem Dave has, if press get a sniff of gay person they may sniff even harder and uncover real truth which is - Dave is bi-sexual. Now although gay being acceptable - even fashionable (consider success of gay man Mendleson), bi-sexual is not! Not with British public and so not with politicians. For when, says Dave, does one ever witness a Bi-sexual Pride march?

Of course I tell him this is example of British hypocrisy. It is ok to come out of closet and strut one's gayness, but if you emerge from bi-sexual closet then you are considered to be a sort of pervert. And all because one is able to appreciate (and enjoy) both the heterosexual and the homosexual position in the matter of sex and love.

Dave agree with me but says that's the way it is - for the moment. When revolution occurs these things will change.

Anyways, Georgie, this is having no relevance to important matter of when me and you will get it together (another idiom) which translated means having it off.

I am therefore putting on the deadline of 7 days for response, otherwise... (these 3 dots meaning something will happen which you would not want happen).

Yours un-threateningly


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