Saturday, January 08, 2005

The return of the prodigal

Hi - George here. I'm back.

The old cow has gone away for the weekend with her girlfriend. Now, I am not prudish, and I have nothing against lesbians - but when your own wife turns out to be one! Well it fair does one's head in.

The person I feel sorry for is Sydney. The poor lad thinks his mum has got herself a nice friend. Well, I am not going to disillusion him - yet. He is away himself this weekend. Cecil (our vicar) has taken some of the choir camping. I think it is good Sydney should get out of the house for a bit.

I have been eating at "The Jolly Pervert". Maggie - the landlady - has been really looking after me. Her dumplings are praised throughout the Cotswolds. She's asked me to give her a hand behind the bar tonight. Old Walter - the cellerman - has gone with the vicar and his boys, under canvass.

Well, as they say around these parts: It's an ill wind that blows up the nostrils of a horse of a different colour!

Wise words.

Yours from the Tap Room,


1 comment:

R J Adams said...

Welcome back, George. We were beginning to miss you. Sorry to hear about Anastasia and your wife. Still, it's an ill wind - menage-a-trois, and all that.
Meantime, dumplings and best bitter sounds a damn good combination to me - what!