Wednesday, April 06, 2005

A father's worries

I walked into the kitchen this morning to hear my son and heir singing:

"My baby done wrote me a letter -
Said she couldn't live without me no more"

I immediately gave him a lecture on the mis-use of the 'double negative'.
He responded with, "You don't know nothin".

It appears that some professor from the University of East Anglia has come out with the idea that the 'double negative' is quite acceptable as it "adds emphasis".

I told Sydney that I had not spent all that money on his education for to be hearing him mangling the Queen's English, like as he was doing now.
He just sniggered.
I left the room.

Wait a minute! Now I remember, he was actually holding a letter in his hand at the time. Don't tell me he has got back with that trolloppy single mum from the council estate. Where did I go wrong?

By the way, the lesbian has joined a feminist group. She was going on about the "barbarous practice of female circumcision" which is apparently still practiced in some parts of the world.
I asked her what this was all about, and she replied that it was to ensure that the women did not get pleasure from sex.
I was surprised, and remarked that all the women I knew did not get pleasure from sex.
She sniggered.
I left the room.

Yours in puzzlement


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