Sunday, November 01, 2009

Peccadillo. This I see from dictionary is minor sin. Well, I got a lot of these, except I do not believe in sin. Sin is invented by church to make us feel guilty. Talkers about sin are Pecksniffian people. I know this because of same page in dictionary what show peccadillo also show this other word, which I now know, and it means “affecting high moral principles in a hypocritical way”. Interesting is not it that these two words should appear on same page?

I am not saying you, my Georgie, are hypocritical – well not any more than normal Englishman (though you are not normal – which I am meaning in good way, not bad).

But you ask me why we in Sweden are burning rabbits. This is happening only in Stockholm where parks are swarming with the little buggers and so authorities have to have cull now and again. So why not put to good use dead bodies to run heating plant? This is sound ecology.

Anyway, at least rabbits are dead before burning – unlike some of people you English burn at the post because they spouting wrong religion or perhaps kick with left foot, and you do not do this to run heating plant because you do not have one in olden days. This what I mean about hypocritical English – they making snidey comments about “burning bunnies”, conveniently forgetting terrible history record of own ancestors. Not to mention abdominal way you kill that ancient king with the red-hot poker! So I won’t mention it.

Like also how you afraid to make legal the prostitution, instead pretend it is not happening until some nosey neighbours complaining about lowering district with tarty women walking up and down all night and putting themselves in danger. Whereas if you have licensed brothels with regular inspection and everything clean and women pay taxes like good citizens and not sneaking around park like common criminal which they are not, everybody would be happy.

Same as with drugs are you hypocritical, like your government sacks top scientist who speak truth of his studies and evidence and tell you tobacco and alcohol more dangerous drugs than the old wacky baccy and the ecstatic pills. But government not making any money out of these so they chuck him out and look for some other man who will find what they want him to find.

Do not think I am slogging off your country. You have some fine traditions - which I cannot think of at present time.

Some while ago Sven gives me mobile cell phone number of Winston which is only to be used in emergencies but I think I should try this number out in case comes an emergency and this is what I do, and so I have spoken to Winston and we have got along like the house which was on fire. So when you suggesting I come across I speak to Winston and he says he will be delightful to see me (he has been asking me for some time to visit) and I know nightclub for which he is bouncing person and it is called DISLOCATION. Also because he is such hard worker and good at frightening people so no trouble occurs in club, owners let him use back room as flat. This is very pleasant room says Winston with comfortable bed which he would let me use while he sleep on mattress behind bar because he respect my dignity.

So that is what I am wanting to tell you. Perhaps I should tell you before when I first talk to Winnie (as he lets me call him) but I didn’t so no point now in trying to back the horse in through the stable door what has already been closed.

I am longing to see you and therefore prepared to go to all these troublesome lengths which I am hoping you are appreciating.

I await with racing heart to hear you will still be loving me in all the ways you done before.


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