Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I am writing directly from hot spot to you. This being located within Little Chef which is accessed by footbridge from Premier Inn where I did stay this last night.

Dave sit opposite to me with his greasy English breakfast which include the disgusting black pudding. Such muck.

Anyways, he was real pleased to see me and insisting I stay for night because, as I have already told you, price is same for 2 as 1.
Room has the double bed and also the single bed. Dave have been sleeping in double so he suggest would be a shame to soil clean linen on single bed for one night. Maid, he say is very hard working and probably also on minimum wage, and also from Eastern European country with large family over there to send money back to so as to keep alive.

This being so it would be kind thing to save her extra work if I share double with him. So Dave say.

I respond - That ok with me, Cookie, so long we don't indulge in copulation, since I am promised to another. Which is you, Georgie.

Dave say that fine by him since mental state have robbed him of libido anyway. But would be nice having warm body to snuggle in night. So we do it.

Dave promise try control farting. Which he does - mostly. And so we have pleasant night and he tell me about his traumatical childhood from whence he believes much of his current problems is arising.

Anyways, why are you under weather? (Dave tell me this another stupid English idiom which mean to feel not so healthy, and by the ways, I think you should be meeting with Dave because of many common things you have - like mental problems.)

Also what is funny drawing of small boy you include on post? Do you make such drawing? Or is perhaps your brother Hector is making it of you at the time you were little? 

Either way, this little boy look sad - and and a bit ugly. 

Me and Dave return to flat today.

I hope you are less unhealthy.

Please write and tell me.

Your Anna

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