Saturday, June 01, 2013

My major retrospective (update)


I shall be including this photograph in the 'Mythical Beasts' section of my exhibition.

It was taken on a small island east of Java, in my exploration days. 

This was one of the few times I ventured into tropical climes, preferring, as I said,  the polar regions of our planet.

Now, regarding Dave: If you do go searching for him I recommend, as your first port of call, the Salvation Army Hostel, and after  that the YMCA. Both excellent places to secure a warm bed for the night. Although, this being summer (just), perhaps Dave prefers the open air. In which case try the city parks and the municipal golf course (it's surprising how warm and snug a bunker can be).

So you have now finished your exams. BRAVO! Perhaps when you locate Dave we can all go out to celebrate. (you've still got some of your grant left, I trust!)

I think I've got a corn on my right little toe. I must ring the chiropodist on Monday.

Also, I have been having a few lavatorial issues over the past few days.

Still, one must soldier on.

Let me know if you find Dave.

Your George

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