Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Poets Corner

To lose your virginity
To a Doctor of Divinity,
Just because he happened
To be in the vicinity,
May not be very clever -
But it doesn't seem a sin to me.

Imagine my consternation when I found this poem on a sheet of paper tucked in a copy of "Aeromodeller". I was having a rummage in Syd's bedroom to see if I could find any clues as to his disappearance. I mean, I know he scribbles a bit of the old poetry from time to time, but what is one to make of this?

Actually, I have just remembered; the lesbian said something about him having a girlfriend: Sybil, I think it was. She's got a flat on the same estate as Carol. Talking of the aforesaid, I left there rather sharpish. She had a 'phone call from Gareth (Wayne's dad). He's out on licence and wants to come to see his son. Carol wanted me to stay because Gareth can be quite violent. But I said a man needed time with his son, and I could not interfere with that. She seemed quite upset. I think she'll be alright.

Well, Sydney's probably staying with Sybil; that will be the explanation. If I can find a phone number I will give her a ring.

Meahwhile I'll pop down the the "Jolly Pervert" for a spot of lunch. Feeling a bit peckish, what with all this dashing about.


1 comment:

R J Adams said...

Dammit, George, I think you were jolly wise to make your escape from old Carol when you did. That Gareth can be quite nasty when the drinks in 'im. And as you rightly say - the man should have time alone with his boy.
I think young Sydney needs to spend less time with his girlfriend and more on his syntax. Pretty good poem, though - for a young 'un.