Saturday, February 12, 2005

A Grammar School Girl

I was right. Sydney is staying with his girlfriend, in her flat on the 'Parade'. And before you go thinking he's got himself involved with some old slapper, let me tell you Sybil is educated. She's an ex Grammar School girl. How do I know? I found another poem - and it had her phone number written on the bottom (that's how I found it).

'Twas a Grammar School girl
Set my head in a whirl,
In her gymslip so short and enticing;
And her black stocking-tops,
Where she hid lollipops -
Their flavour was strangely exciting.

Actually, it was Sybil I spoke to on the phone - Syd wouldn't talk to me. She called me 'love' - which was nice. "Don't worry, love" she said "I'll get the silly bugger to ring you".

He hasn't phoned so far, but his mother has - the lesbian. Wants me to take her back. Seems the Swedish tart has dumped her. Anastasia was bi-sexual (I could have told her that) and she took off with the bloke who runs the dodgems on the Pleasure Beach.

Told her I'd think about it. Well the place is in a mess. Needs a damn good clean. I mean, I can't live in a place like a tip. I have my standards.

I told her I'd think about it. Let her sweat a bit, eh.


1 comment:

R J Adams said...

Mmm! Many wouldn't take here back. You know, old boy, I do believe that underneath your crusty old exterior there lies a rather squidgey centre.