Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Praise the Lord and pass the Prozac

Praise the Lord and pass the Prozac

I am feeling pretty bad tonight. My head is tight – like it is in a vice (Americans read 'vise'). Unpleasant. And I feel shaky. I am not sure I can cope with Christmas.

But the show must go on. It will go on anyway, with or without me.

One of the difficulties with depression (a much over-worked word – couldn’t we find another?) is that it is difficult to tell whether what you are feeling is a natural response to events and situations, or whether it is exaggerated, unrealistic.
A psychiatrist used the analogy of a thermostat which is ‘on the blink’ so to speak: it is over sensitive and reacts alarmingly to quite minor changes in temperature.

I once had a car whose brake-fluid warning light used to suddenly come on after driving a few miles. When I took it to the garage, a mechanic said: oh just ignore it – it's a well known fault with this model!

Am I a model with a ‘well known fault’, which should just be ignored?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I' not sure, George, that you have any particular faults- but perhaps you are too harsh with your self. What with the pressure placed upon you by the 'shrinks' and the myriad difficulties of the other sad, troubled patients, you can not really expect to feel too chipper just now. Perhaps you would benefit from a massage with essential oils from the Eastern continent or maybe some private relaxation sessions. Let me know, or leave a message at the warden's lodge... I am always free these days, since the accident.

yours affectionately
Paige Turner

PS. You never confirmed whether or not you are my long-lost twin brother.