Monday, May 07, 2007

Response to R J Adams

‘We’ are not holding the person known as ‘George’.

As we said, he has been removed to a place of safety. Admittedly one of our members countersigned the necessary documentation, but it was with his best interests at heart.

It was vital that he be extracated from the spiritually toxic environment into which he had allowed himself to slide.

Now, with rest, regular meals – and of course medication – the prognosis of a complete recovery is realistically achievable.

It is, however, good to know that he has not been forgotten by his friends. Any messages of ‘good wishes’ will be forwarded via our secretary (hon) Greta.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh yes - and I bet I know who it was who signed the documentation. You miserable old cow. You are the sort of person who gets lesbians a bad name.

And you can forget about sending messages via your secretary (hon). I will take mine in person, thank you very much.

And don't think you have heard the last of me. The sound of a motorcycle engine in the early hours of the morning heralds your nemesis.