Sunday, May 27, 2012

Oh Georgie

Such heights did we reach, such exploding fireworks,such a trip to moon on the wings of gossamer as song is saying. 

Now important is the question - when do we meet again? I know you are experiencing the fiscal tribulations at the moment and so am prepared to donate sum of money for the purpose of some more intimate social intercourse.

Only thing being could we try different venue of hotel for next instant of meeting? I am feeling uncomfortable the way lady owner of hotel looks at me in morning when we come for the breakfast. 

This perhaps because old cow think that because  often times you are staying here on your own self she has some special interest of you. I do not wish to know if you have availed yourself of charms offered by this lady in past - one does inappropriate things in desperation - but all such malarkey must now be stopping. Are you understanding me?
I will not play second violin to anybody - except perhaps male person because this is different.

But I am forgetting to ask how is rib cage and various muscles surrounding? Must surely be better now, is not it? Also I do not think lady doctor appropriate for you at this time, but such decision to you is up.

Please fill me in as you promise.

I am interesting to know all about your doings.

Till soon we meet.

Your Anna

1 comment:

R J Adams said...

I say, I think you're well in there, 'Georgie'.