Saturday, July 07, 2012



Such a grand word, Anna: its shape on the printed page, the pattern of consonants and vowels. Its delightful sound.

 It hardly matters what the word actually means.

Anyway, I just thought I would share that with you.

A warning: Do not stay with  'Dave'. I know these college tutors: they are lustful men, and are out for all they can get. They will sleep with anyone (no offence meant there, Anna).

Also I don't think you should comply with Gerda's instructions to secrete the memory-stick in the lavatory cistern. Do you not understand that this makes you an accessory to whatever criminal activity she is engaged upon?

I will speak more fully, but I wanted to get this posted because I am concerned for your safey (moral as well as physical).

Yours in trepidation


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