Sunday, July 08, 2012

Being superstitious is unlucky


People talk about the need for a moral compass. 

How about the need for an immoral compass? One which points towards the vices you ought to pursue; indicates the disgraceful behaviour you should indulge in; swings towards the sort of wrong crowd you could get in with.

What do you think, Anna?

Changing the subject:
Sometimes it's the little unexpected incident that cheers you up. I was in a pub, and when the barmaid was pulling my pint I remarked upon the inclement weather. She said, I wish it could always be Spring. And somehow, that chance remark brightened my day - and endeared me to this young lady. I gave her a tip.

Another time I was in McDonalds and saw an attractive young girl, in the livery of that restaurant, cleaning trays - vigorously, thoroughly. I said to her, You're making a really good job of those.
Yes, she said, with a smile, I'm a professional.

And again, that made me feel better. Made my day better. So it's worth remembering, Anna, the odd pleasantry is worth the effort.

By the way, talking of 'pulling pints' I wrote a poem called 'On the pull'. Would you like to read it?

I am reading a book at the moment: The Accidental Masterpiece.
It is absolutely.

I am stopping for the moment because I want to watch the 'Men's Final'. Shall you be watching it Anna? I shall be rooting for Federer. I seldom root for anyone - I am not a rooter. But I like F - I think he is a real 'gent' - like your old countryman, Bjorg.

Anyway, I shall continue later, because I have more to say.

Your George 

1 comment:

R J Adams said...

"But I like F - I think he is a real 'gent' - like your old countryman, Bjorg..."

He's also Swiss, George.